Karadrine-nya~ 🏳️‍⚧️

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Karadrine-nya~ 🏳️‍⚧️


Black Lives Matter » She/her » 33 » Asian, poly, trans pan-lesbian » longboarding tactical waifu » Personal Assistant in Canadian PNW

Don't eat the rich, they're poison. Kill them and spread the wealth.

Discord: karadrine
the longest fucking night i swear to god one i feel like i failed someone dear to me in the worst possible way and maybe ruined their life two someone that has been flirting with me on and off for years DID NOT REALIZE I WAS TRANS despite seeing nudes and my being very open about me being trans
Going tomorrow night with my lil polycule woooooooooooo
this opens TOMORROW <3 if u go please send me some pictures
this opens TOMORROW <3 if u go please send me some pictures
hey if you're in Vancouver do me a favor and go to this show!! I won't be there but MY ART WILL BE
For _cursorial on Twitter!
i need more clothes and i need more shoes i have one pair of comfy work shoes that i got, and then my pre-transition shoes x.x everything is so expensive aaaaaaaAAAAAA
Time to sit and stare blankly at a screen for four hours
When I said I wanted someone to bite my ass, I did not mean mosquito bites.
「 TRYSTINE 🔥 」 portrait commission for @kalbird.bsky.social
Need someone to slide in my dms and give me the affection and desire I crave. I offer cuddles, sex, home cooking, and a cool car for you to be a passenger princess in.
begging ppl to understand tht the war on drugs was never actually to get rid of drugs, thts a lie, propaganda. it was always meant to target, disenfranchise, n criminalize minorities n the drugs THEY use, specifically.
I borrowed a top from my girlfriend and I feel kinda cute :3
Waking up and making someone cum is a pretty neat thing to do :)
posting this as much as a reminder to myself that… i’m doing ok. sure, i may not be exactly where i want to be. but it’s still a hell of a long way from where i started. (also feat my inability to look happy in selfies.)
Labeled by the author
if you're transgender, your first duty is to live. if youve got anything to give after that, your second duty is to help someone else live, because it's not easy and no one but you and I and those like us will ever understand. your third duty, if you can make it that far, is to live happily.
Yeah I'd probably let pre-transition me hit and then I'd crack the egg and then also let her know the funny twist of how we're the same girl
If you feel doomed and helpless. Make a list of actions you can take RIGHT NOW Who are the people nearby you that feel safe. Reach out to them. Go spend the evening together. You're terrified? Okay lets address it. Make a go-bag. Put action to your fear. You are an adult. You are not helpless.
waiting for someone to give you their heart but instead its time to suit up
i’m done manifesting. i’m just gonna steal it.
y’all should be tipping Sinéad for all the marvellous freebies faer’s been putting up on the skyline lately 🥵 go now 💋❤️
SWer saturday! 🧡🖤 do you have anything for me? 🥺🫶 tips get treats, dm me? 😘✨ allmylinks.com/anarchadykeism (this will be my only job soon) 🖤🧡💕💸
By royal buppy wizard @marallmighty.bsky.social decree, I am the guardian of this muffin. I will protect it with my life (Nobody tell it that the bag is empty and I've eaten it)
So I'm picturing a femme Seraph with instruments instead of guns.
Congratulations, you are now a bard/monk.
people will see a couple dozen trans bitches mad at the same guy for the same reasons and decide it's an organised campaign and not a couple dozen trans bitches who independently recognized something shitty
🔮 there are two wolves inside of you
🌹 @erisgirlbeast.bsky.social @needstobebred.live without Bsky and the trans cluster I never would have met you two and that would have made my life so much worse love you both my girlbeast and neon kitten 💕