
As someone who writes a fair amount of public facing articles that are always rigorously fact-checked prior to publication (something I greatly appreciate), I'm always amazed to see how many articles get through the publication process with seemingly no fact-checking at all.
CNN fact checked whether I in fact caught walleye while wearing a specific hat more thoroughly than the NYT checked whether the “I dont vote” guy actually voted.
To share one example, there was a piece in which I used the phrase "the murder of George Floyd" and fact-checkers changed "murder" to "killing" because at the time the jury had not yet officially ruled it as murder. But "I don't vote guy" (who actually votes) can say whatever.
This tells me that the only things they “fact check” are things that might get them sued, and they don’t really care about factual accuracy at all.
Yep. It’s not about veracity, but what makes them liable. Believe me, I used to work for Star magazine, so I know this tenet well.
Short institutional memory, I guess.
Hey some guy who looks like a professional plasma donator wants to write a big Independence Day article on why not to vote in the face of permanent Project 2025 autocracy, sure why not, our regular shitty editorialists are all busy writing BIDEN OLD pieces.
I'm old enough to remember when they fired Bennett because he tried to pass off onto one of his flunkies the decision to publish that Cotton op-ed piece calling for armed force against demonstrators. Guess AG Sulzberger didn't learn so much from that little dustup.
James Bennet Resigns as New York Times Opinion Editor (Published 2020) A. G. Sulzberger noted “a significant breakdown in our editing processes” before the publication of an Op-Ed by a United States senator calling for a military response to civic unrest.
I wrote an opinion piece for the Chicago Tribune last year that was steeped in history and the fact-checking took weeks to complete.