
well I’m glad I don’t have to call Elizabeth Warren as my rep to yell at her about calling for expanding the court
Call her to thank her! Positive comments go a long way too
I will. I met her when I voted for her in the 2020 primary (we used to be neighbors). Also I got to pet her dog
In 2012 she kneeled down and said to my daughter, “I’m running for Senate because that’s what girls do.”
My wife and I ran into her and her husband when our daughter was a newborn, and she was really touched when my wife told her how she was glad to have a role model for our daughter representing us. My wife came away from the interaction an even bigger fan.
She was super nice to us. She seems like a lovely person. Also I have personally witnessed Elizabeth Warren giving out full size candy bars on Halloween.
honestly feel like this is the thing to campaign on more than any legislative success or viral clips. just "Elizabeth Warren gives out full-size candy bars on Halloween" and bam— 90% of the vote, even in a general election. add "and she makes bank executives cry" and you get most of the way to 99%
And I thought I couldn’t like her more sheesh
She offered to boost my friend over a fence when my friend’s dog had run under it after a rabbit. (My friend had her hold the leash and ran around instead, which was also nice of her to do!)
She's a major sweetheart. I was close friends with her niece in college.
I’ve heard that about her, I might need to take the kiddo over there for Halloween this year
I've heard so many lovely stories like this
That's what she told my daughter about running for president in 2020