
keanu reeves is NOT beating the "wooden block" allegations
Did you watch the black and white version as that looks stunning?
100% the best and only way to watch it. The whole film was staged and lit specifically FOR a black and white print, and so many of the very weird and amateurish looking lighting and set designs suddenly makes total sense. The entire movie was *painstakingly* crafted for it.
i watched color but damn now i wish i watched b&w!
Trust, if and when you get a chance to see it how it was meant to be seen, you will take back that part of your review about the film lacking any technical prowess! The whole film was intricately designed and shot for black and white, and suddenly, the weird visual style makes perfect sense.
From what I've seen it looks incredible.
I seriously need to watch Johnny Mnemonic one day 📽️ I haven't even seen the colour version so I can just jump right into this beautiful black and white photography that was the intended look of the film from the beginning.