
This times a million. If we switch over to Harris at this late stage, effectively nothing will change—except that the never-ending media-led panic over Biden's age shifts over to Harris's inexperience and unpreparedness for the role. That would actually be quite a bit worse to weather.
The media has been out for Biden’s head ever since he bravely withdrew from Afghanistan. See: making great job reports seem negative. I’m almost coming around to rolling with Kamala just because otherwise there will be no Trump reporting. Only Joe’s age. Though they’ll likely do the same to her.
and the logic of a swap is baffling since VP Harris would still be first in line to the presidency if Biden later resigns or dies, so if she's not qualified for that now, how would a chaotic late nomination change it? the expectation of presidents being all-knowing supermen is becoming a crisis
Exactly. If you burned a rug AND broke a window, and you are being scolded for burning a rug, don't try to change the topic. New "problems" always seem bigger than old "problems". In this case just embrace the Yoda image, and maybe remind that the VP exists for a reason. Do teamwork maybe.