
Look, I think that a lot of people right now really need to be reminded *that this is literally how elections work*. If Biden wins or Trump wins, IT'S ALL ON US, THE VOTERS. That's where the aaaaaall the agency of this election lies!
All of this bullshit about, "Well, it's actually Biden's fault for not winning me over!" is simply a way to preemptively try to excuse your own role in helping to get us to the worst possible outcome. You have agency, dear voter. That is actually how voting works!
I also feel like they might get a good amount of what they want if Biden was a second term president with a landslide victory.
i want an end to the genocide in Gaza. when will that happen?
If we careen into autocracy part of the reason will be because much of the electorate doesn’t truly believe in democracy in the first place. Democracy literally means that the voters are responsible but many want to believe that politicians simply will themselves into office
But I don’t want to have agency. It makes blaming others so much easier.
It is in fact the job of the campaign and candidate to win over unpersuaded voters but it is also on voters to understand the stakes and make the best choice. It works both ways and I don't believe people who are ideological and plugged into politics are waiting on the One Good Commerical to decide.