
notably, “trying to assemble” and “has assembled” are two extremely different things and if he were able to do the latter, his ratshit ass wouldn’t be leaking the former.
Am I fucking crazy, or has this been one shitty debate performance, followed by a week plus of story after story about "panic" etc? No new evidence that he's unable to do it, just constant "people are saying"?
Biden had bad debate. Trump was peppy and lied like a rug. He has also been a gibbering idiot for years. News came out in court documents that he had regularly scheduled "massages" at Epstein's. But Biden had a bad debate. The media is engaged in some ratfucking regardless of Biden's mental state.
100% ratfucking. "people are talking about it!" I dunno, you think the 87 front page stories have anything to do with it?
I don't even care if Biden stays or goes. The asymmetric coverage irritates the piss out of me. Just Google "weird Trump quotes" and you get a decade of stuff that makes a great case for him being mentally infirm. Or simply read a transcript from one of his rallies, any rally, out loud.
I think it's *because* Trump's been Like That for ages, the media doesn't consider it novel enough to be newsworthy. Which is unfortunate, because they really should