
I have someone on here claiming that Republicans were liberal before Trump came around.
He literally told me that George W Bush was a liberal just now.
symptom of a larger issue. trump allows them to memory hole past evil bc he's the boogeyman now. it's almost like he's a convenient smokescreen for the rest to hide behind, even if they don't support or like him.
Oh yeah, the dude whose grandfather was a Nazi who tried to take over the country? The dude whose dad was vice president for one of the worst presidents in history? Yeah that guy was DEFINITELY a fuckin' lib. I bet this guy hears an echo when he sneezes.
I mean, the overton window in the US *has* shifted rightwards to where most modern liberals are effectively 2000s conservatives on all things but queer rights, and even then they're iffy they're "better", but only like how getting shot 20 times with a .22 is better than with 9mm rounds
Extremely good chance that this person also has a definition of conservative that includes Barack Obama
Bush does look pretty progressive by comparison, but that's still a staggeringly clueless take. The modern Republican Party is what the modern conservative has always been.
John Roberts and Sam Alito were appointed by George W. Bush. Clarence Thomas was appointed by George H.W. Bush, all the way back in the early 90's. That's all anyone needs to rebut THAT notion.
Republicans were shit for longer then I was alive, Reagan specificly started as down this path but they have been shit before then
(Agreement) there’s a direct line from Nixon to Reagan to W to Trump.
The signs that this would happen came as early as Goldwater's campaign in 1964.
Technically true in the "immediately after the Civil War" way I guess.
Laughable. Maybe when Eisenhower was still around. More realistically they last had liberals when Theodore Roosevelt was president, though.
I'm with Thom Hartman that Eisenhower was the last legitimately elected Republican President we ever had.
You really can just say whatever you want on here. Mussolini invented Pork Roll before assuming power. Beer strengthens your diaphragm. The live action DBZ movie was 10/10. It's awesome.
...the US has two parties Right and Far Right how did they come to that conclusion?
I mean, the Civil War was before Trump came around, so...
tbf, if the shit head i just blocked. the biggest giveaway that they're a piece of shit, is their pfp bitching about pronouns
What parallel universe does that person live in because it's been literal GENERATIONS since Republicans were "liberal."
*Technically* true, but he omits that liberal Republicans were regional at most and were on the way out by the 1960's. Nixon was (imo) the last nail in their coffin.
I mean, technically. In the sense that they love imperialism and capitalism. The academic sense of the word.
It’s not my fault You don’t know what liberalism means
You’re the one who doesn’t know what it means.