Andrew Rowe

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Andrew Rowe

Full time game developer, maker of Epic City Builder series and others. He/Him

The baymen say I'm pretty fly for a newfie b'y.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Rowe
The big accounts you hope notice your edgy posts about Trump won't see them, but the Secret Service will and they will call you to tell you they're funny and good and privately they agree with u
Avatar Fan question. Do you know how to use a rotary phone?
Epic Trains 4. 90% of the time I've watched my trains go from station to station they have been bugging out. Part of coding and debugging the game. Seeing them go around perfectly with out error is really nice. Close beta and Demo before too long.
In Russia they used to go after dissidents by saying they had child abuse images on their computer. Does anyone want to live in a country that does that kind of stuff? If the US elects Trump they will regret it. For the rest of their lives.
I have started calling cleric illusionist's dread gnomes.
The NSA has a database of everything you've said, email, text. Everything over the past 15+ years. If Trump becomes a dictator the NSA doesn't need to eavesdrop. They can code an AI algotherm to scan everything anyone has said and pick out people likely to be part of the resistance. Off to the camps
Avatar You don't drink I don't think. Would you drink Dildo Beer? Made in the proud town of Dildo Newfoundland?
A movie where billionaires fight each other with swords like Highlander. They die, but the estate tax is at zero.
Please do not give sociopaths a bad name. Sociopaths are just broken people due to how they where raised. They do far more damage to themselves then anyone else. They are not evil. Trump is a psychopath.
I'm old enough to remember when everyone agreed it would be unprofessional and unethical to diagnose Trump as a sociopath
For all the rivers of blood a civil war does not need to have a victor. The US could end as a failed state. The only thing fascism leaves in its wake is human tragedy. Even for the fascists themselves.
Trump winning in Nov, which seems increasingly likely will be the end of US democracy. This will result in a civil war. With the sear number of military grade weapons owned by US civilians the blood bath that will follow will be the great tragedy of the 21st century.
Trump winning in Nov, which seems increasingly likely will be the end of US democracy. This will result in a civil war. With the sear number of military grade weapons owned by US civilians the blood bath that will follow will be the great tragedy of the 21st century.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Rowe
Things are going very well when we've reached the "Don't worry, the military won't obey orders to kill civilians" stage of democratic backsliding. It's the sweet spot, where good things happen. Right where we want to be.
Maybe I'll start posting on blue sky. Maybe people will like what I have to say and start following me? Who knows.
A political scientist friend of mine took part in a world crisis simulation in school. They all worked in teams to deal with things happening in real time. Her big take away from the whole thing is that there is no such thing as "Armed Protestors" That is a rebellion.Remember this after the election
France might be about to elect their own Nazi party. If we have to invade France, what if instead of invading them directly we invade them through another country? Do you think that might take them off guard?
New exploit out. If you are still using Flash player on your web browser hackers can make your computer blow up like a frag grenade.
Say what you will but i still hold that Ronald McDonald is the clown that has killed more people then the joker could ever dream of.
How Biden could turn things around. News networks go live to the white house for a presidential address. Sitting in the oval office chair is Biden smoking a blunt. He takes a big draw and asks "does this make me a criminal?" He then holds up a paper in his left hand and says "Not anymore!".
Everyone around you is fighting a war you know nothing about. Other then EVE online players, they never shut up about it.
Avatar Okay I think I know how Hollywood can make a billion dollars. Barbie Movie but Live action Sailor Moon movie. BAM
The lack of progressives on Bluesky sucks. Liberals are going to liberal. At least I don't have cons screaming at me every day.
Simlish in the Sims is just Swedish.
Furries are the indigenous people of bluesky. They where here before any of us came ashore.
Did an AI image of capitalist Jesus.
Hear me out. What if, french toast?
Weed is a power. Like the force from star wars. It surrounds all matter in the universe.
Trump says he will release all the 9/11 docs, the JFK docs, Maybe not all the Epstien docs lmao
What the fuck is the point of facebook reels? They start with the sound off. I turn the sound on but there is no way to rewind. Who the fuck designed this shit?
. I made a meme. Remember to do your drugs before you go to bed.