Beadle, Society for the New Art

Beadle, Society for the New Art

Statements do not reflect position of employer.
“Now that we know felons can be white, we’re massive fans of crime.”
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
The crypto billionaire who backed Dean Phillips is the best quote from a nervous donor they could find?!
whelp, guess the big interview didn't give them what they wanted since the goalposts have now moved to "can he win over crypto investors with inexplicable politics"
When I was a grad student, a prof who later published a book on VIRTUE was a known creeper on undergrads, and….nothing. Just nothing.
I thought that what these professors did was vile, but it did not cross my mind that they were not just my personal cross to bear, a series of deeply unpleasant situations that I had to navigate. There was no name for this. There was no understanding of it as a systemic problem.
very hard to figure out what this use of DEI could mean other than the n word
Subtle. Very subtle.
This semester I’m going to tell my students I don’t care if they use ChatGPT to write their papers, much as I don’t care if they use LSD and a ouija board write their papers. I’ll give fancy-sounding bullshit a failing grade no matter how it’s produced.
Well this is grim
genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
lots of people are saying this
I have heard from top insiders at the nyt that they did it because "they were scared shitless" and sulz pissed his pants and is hiding in his office.
BREAKING: Upside side down French flag spotted outside the Alitos' summer residence
Only if Monokuma can be host.
a better idea for a blitz primary: ➡️ all potential candidates are drugged, pass out, and wake in a classroom on a remote island ➡️ each is randomly assigned a weapon and sent out one by one ➡️ every hour, a zone of the island is forbidden; staying there is fatal ➡️ last one standing is the nominee
That’s it, I’m switching professions.
So many journalists going to be spending their time in leftist brasseries interviewing voters and trying to figure out how they missed this movement
I think billboards highlighting each chapter of Project 2025 placed in specific locations. For example the chapter on gutting military benefits should have billboards on highways near big military bases. Plans for destroying Social Security have billboards all over in Arizona and Florida.
Google “Massachusetts crisis pregnancy” and this link pops up. It’s part of a statewide campaign, including public signage (highway billboards!), urging people to avoid crisis pregnancy/anti-abortion centers. The Commonwealth is not fucking around with this.
They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
I’m sorry, this is more than “a caveat,” it’s actually the whole story.
Law firm hires a chief diversity officer and, surprise, fires her after giving her no support. The whole complaint alleges many instances of racism throughout the firm, but this allegation struck me as marvelously ironic
So, sounds like what S&C is really trying to do here is guarantee its clients, whomever they may be, that their lawyers *will* be compliant little lackeys.
Every big media organization was so crossed-up by Trump winning in 2016 that they have been behaving and hiring as if Long Island-Coded Suburbo-Racist Sociopathy was on an unstoppable ascent worldwide, and interpreting everything backwards from there. It turns out most people actually hate it!
Honestly, what kind of bananas frame this story like this? Is shit serious or not, fucken freaks?
It’s amazing the extent to which our billionaire tech bro overlords are just telling us out loud that they are rooting for fascism. Makes me slightly nostalgic for the days when American plutocrats plotted against democracy in secret.
the rushing Pequod, freighted with savages, and laden with fire, and burning a corpse, and plunging into that blackness
I love this publication, have been a subscriber for a while, and where else are you going to get stories like this?
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I would absolutely pretend my appendix had just exploded to get as far away from this conversation as possible
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller July 2,1961
Supreme Court Rules Trump “America’s Special Little Boy,” Can Do No Wrong
Hundreds of other people can be held accountable for January 6. They can lose their livelihoods and professional licenses; they can be bankrupted; they can go to prison. Just one person is immune to repercussions for it.
I don't know how many years of my life I've been writing Close-Guantanamo-Before-It's-Too-Late stories and while this would be a highly ironic end for Liz "The al-Qaeda Seven" Cheney the joke won't be funny for very long
Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military A post that Mr. Trump circulated on Sunday called for Liz Cheney to be prosecuted by a military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals.
as the swift monster drags you deeper and deeper into the frantic shoal, you bid adieu to circumspect life