
I think one reason the American right is so insane is that the only actual historical conservative tradition in this country is slavery and Jim Crow, but this can't be admitted
Today in there’s nothing new under the sun: In 1903 a white hotel worker became a right wing celebrity for being fired after refusing to make booker t washington’s bed because he was black and a bunch of people around the country raised thousands of dollars on her behalf
I think they're working themselves up to saying it was Good, Actually
Just like fascism is having another moment now that all the WW2 vets are dying off, we're going to hear more open calls to do Jim Crow again when the people who remember the 60s start dying
So fasism is having a renaissance 80 years after WWII. Wonder what was happening 80 years *before* WWII? Oh.
In Europe (the more relevant area I suppose) they were probably still consolidating after the whole stuff in '48 and '49.
I'm glad that's where all the right-wing extremists were.
Are we talking about the 1840s or something else here That's far enough back that the labels start getting pretty approximate.
I'm not even sure why we're talking about Europe. The first three years of the Second World War were fought in Africa. The last three years were fought in the Pacific. [ How to say I'm an Australian without saying I'm an Australian. ]
Your initial comment was 'what were they doing 80 years BEFORE WW2' so I got no idea where we're going on this one. 80 years before WW2 would've been the 1850s-60s. In America we had a Civil War, of course.
Not 'doing' but 'happening'. Why are we having this recurring fascist vibe? Does the resurgence require enough time has passed?
This is the premise of the Fourth Turning, which despite its numerous flaws and weirdo cult-ish fans, I enjoyed.