
Let's-see-how-you-like-it fantasies in response to the Supreme Court immunity ruling are underestimating just how bad the situation is. Any prosecutions would take place in courts, where SCOTUS would block it. This term especially, the SCOTUS majority has shown that its standards are Calvinball.
Under today’s immunity decision, Biden could order AG Garland to immediately prosecute Thomas and Alito for corruption and insurrection. (Official act). If Garland refuses, Biden can fire him and replace him with someone who will. (Official act) I would suggest Elie Mystal.
I think it's the members of the majority who haven't played out the string. Just order them seized and when the Court orders them released, refuse.
Unlawful imprisoning Supreme Court justice: official act Defying court order to release them: official act Arresting the Congress if they try to impeach: official act
Anyway, I don’t know what these guys like will restrain them if Trump 2.0 gets big mad at a court ruling that doesn’t go his way.
We’re past the point where the executive branch needs to tell SCOTUS to go fuck itself and backs it up by arresting justices.
Trial, shmial. Drafting Alito and Thomas into the military and confining them to barracks are both official acts.
Right. The courts won’t play ball. And Biden isn’t going to send Trump or his justices to CIA black sites. So we have this asymmetry that favors the fascists.
This is why you preemptively pardon seal team 6.
Biden could do something really hilarious to supreme court though. Your mind isn’t fully taking in the implications of this. Literally anything he does as an “official act”, he is immune from prosecution. So…..get on it Biden.
and the score will always be Q to 12 in their favor.
Can somebody explain why this is bad, in a campaign context, for Biden? His opponent is a convicted felon who now has carte blanche to order prosecutions & political murders.
I think the thinking is that without J6 being litigated in a criminal court, it gives Trump cover. But I've always thought it was strange to think that a significant number of votes hinge on a jury verdict in that case. You don't need a trial to put the committee hearings on repeat until November.
Trump may be innocent in a court of law until proven guilty, but that doesn't mean voters shouldn't draw their own conclusions based on what's publicly known know.
So. A strongly worded letter from Schumer and Durbin then??? That should set things right ….