
Bad presidential debate, French elections first round, Supreme Court putting ex-presidents at least somewhat above the law. It's been quite a week. But neither fight has reached its big inflection point yet. France is July 7. US is November 5. Both could still go either way.
Is it wrong that I started reading your post to the tune of We Didn't Start the Fire?
Let's see... I was born in 1981. So that's a no, it was not wrong.
Yes. Yes it's wrong. I know these are dark times, but there's no cause for Billy Joel.
I mean I didn't. But now that you said it my brain is trying to force it. And getting messed up because the scansion doesn't work. Do not like.
Bad Presidential Debate French Elections, first round Supreme court, putting expresidentsatleastsomewhatabovethelaw
About as good as Billy Joel's rhythm, TBH
It would take a dozen verses to get through the first Trump administration. I can’t even imagine a second – or maybe the fire just stops burnin’.
UK elections on the 4th. The Tories aren't exactly openly fascist (not yet, anyway), but kicking them to the curb would likely be a good thing
the problem here is the idea that winning the election will fix SCOTUS. It may not unless Dems grow a pair, and SCOTUS is now arguably more of a threat to the United States than Trump.