
Brexit was really dumb. What an own goal. With ongoing reverberations.
But not as dumb as re-electing Trump would be.
I am dumbfounded that there is no explicit political will to reverse it despite the vast majority understanding on some level it was a failure. Instead a main architect is leading a new party that did better than expected, it's like own-goaling is a play that they're practicing to perfect.
It has also played havoc with France's sex arse economy. Too much supply stuck inside their borders, all because of Brexit.
Who could’ve guessed that sex-related products would find a robust market in France?
In soccer lingo, a brexit is an aggressive tackle in which you don’t get the ball. I tried to tell my son and his friend that it should be an own goal, but it’s already settled.
Slide too late, miss the ball, go in studs up, but mostly end up injuring someone on your own team, and still get a red card, perhaps.
Yet the assorted dumbfucks who vote for the European far-right still entertain delusions of weakening/leaving the EU, from the AfD dum dums to the Vichy toadies of the RN. China and Russia must be laughing indeed.
and none of them have the integrity to admit it was wrong and reverse course.