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Proud pragmatic progressive. Old white hippie named after a jazz musician. AOC Democrat. I curse a lot. Sorry 'bout that. 🇵🇸
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Trump gushed over Heritage and Roberts in a 2022 speech. Trump now claims not to know who is behind Project 2025, which is led by Roberts and Heritage.
Donald Trump on Heritage’s Kevin Roberts, who oversees Project 2025: “He’s going to be so incredible”
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Hey remember when Trump asked hostile foreign governments to interfere in our elections on his behalf in both of his previous runs for office? Anyway did you hear that Joe Biden is old?
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Stop calling Republicans "conservatives." Conservatives do not believe in the violent overthrow of the government.
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“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
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Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
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'On the other hand, according to DiResta, the university has run up “huge legal bills” defending SIO researchers from harassment by Republican politicians and conservative conspiracy theorists, and may have decided that enough is enough.'
Closing the Stanford Internet Observatory will edge the US towards the end of democracy | John The organisation responsible for monitoring digital falsehoods is reportedly being wound down after pressure from Republicans and conspiracy theorists
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After having held numerous speeches on how he would lock up judges and “left thugs”, Trump suddenly realizes that his envisioned totalitarian regime might not be popular, and gives the “I never met that woman” treatment to his own people working on Project […] [Original post on]
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Hunter Biden found guilty . . . if he's a member of a 'cime-family' why hasn't his father stopped the trail, when he so clearly has the power to decide who goes to trail and what the verdict will be. Can any maga-hat tell me that 🤷‍♀️ #USpol
Live updates: Hunter Biden found guilty of lying during gun Hunter Biden was convicted on three felony charges related to a gun purchase in 2018.
The time to discuss Biden's age was in 2019. and yes, I was vociferous about my desire for a younger candidate at the time. Even if he dies between now and election day, I'll still vote for whatever Democrat is on the ballot. #uspol
In a parallel universe there's an annoyed Biden telling a reporter "Hell no! He tried to overthrow the government. He's a traitor to the Constitution. He should be hanged for treason, not on a debate stage."
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Michael Cohen reveals fresh details of his tussles with Trump when his former boss was in the Oval Office, telling The Daily Beast that they show how the SCOTUS ruling would unleash him to be a “Führer” if he wins the election
SCOTUS Immunity Ruling Will Let Trump be Führer, Here’s My Proof: Michael The ex-Trump fixer says he was summarily jailed by Trump to silence him–and says SCOTUS declaring presidents immune would turn a second-term Trump dictatorial.
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If for any reason Joe Biden can't complete a 2nd term, we know who will take over. Her name is Kamala Harris and America already voted for her once. If Donald Trump can't complete a 2nd term, we have no idea who will take over because he TRIED TO HAVE HIS LAST VP MURDERED.
if Biden dies between now and inauguration day, the Fascist 6 on the Supreme Court will absolutely find a way to make Convicted Felon Don Trump president.
If Biden dies mid-term, I know the Supreme Court will find a way to give the presidency to Trump anyway
I'd vote for an actual coconut tree right now, because the other option is fascist hell. Convention delegates can nominate whoeverthefuck they want.
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What’s revealing about Donald Trump loudly disavowing Project 2025 and falsely denying any knowledge of it is that clearly he knows how damaging it can be to his election bid.
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Not one person -- media, Dems, NeverTrump -- can point to a single thing President Biden has done PERFORMING HIS JOB that has been negatively impacted by age.
You kinda hafta feel sorry for a guy whose brain was eaten by a worm, but you don't hafta take his opinions seriously.
If people could go ahead and stop trying to destroy civilization and replace it with a dystopian nightmare, that'd be great.
Trump is a criminal who wants to be a king, and the Supreme Court is looking forward to his reign.
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I got a pretty bad feeling this doesn't stop with President Biden. If he were to drop out, I feel like we'd see a deluge of media criticism for Vice President Harris or Gov. Whitmer or Gov. Newsom or Sec. Buttigieg or any other Democrat while Trump gets a pass. Call it a hunch.
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Nevada elected a dead pimp, we can get Joe fucking Biden into the White House again. After that, if he drops dead, that’s his own business.
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The Fascist Thugs behind Convicted Felon Don Trump are planning to outlaw porn in 2025. "Cool" you say "I don't watch porn anyway" Think it thru. The totalitarian intrusion on digital communication required to stop porn will be so invasive, our lives will become Orwell's nightmare.
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Why is Biden only running in Biden? He should be running in Harris, Haaland, Buttigieg, Regan, Murthy, and all the rest of the people who come with him. And he’s not just running against Trump, but against Miller, Bannon, Kushner, Bolton, Kid Rock and Nazi ghouls who come with him. Message better.
Every step of the way, everyone who should have taken decisive action to stop him, grossly *underreacted* to Convicted Felon Don Trump's atrocious behavior.
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The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
but Biden has no balls, so there's no way in hell he'll use those keys.
With its presidential immunity decision, the Supreme Court gave Donald Trump the keys to ending American democracy. Of course, they also gave Joe Biden a duplicate set of keys he can use to SAVE American democracy. -Glenn Kirschner