
Well, we're doing "stay-or-leave" discourse, so as someone who spent much of their 20s wrestling with the guilt of leaving a broken system in West Virginia I had no reasonable expectation of fixing, I'm here to tell you you're allowed to leave if you want.
Mobility has been one of the most powerful tools in the hands of ordinary people since agrarian-based states have been a thing. Solidarity and community organizing is important, but I'll not have folks begrudging people for getting out.
It's not ideal. None of this is ideal. But getting the hell out of the way when shit is hitting the fan is not a distinctly American selfish impulse and diaspora is not the death of resistance.
I think solidarity means recognising that different options are going to be better for different people and that assuming there is One Correct Way is never going to work.
So much of the discourse relies on assuming that everyone taking an action must be taking it for the same reasons with the same expectations and must also be demanding that everyone else should take the same action. And none of these assumptions are fair.