
And the "is muscled" readily collapses on examination. The only one in the party with that muscle is Biden, & why in God's name would Biden be engineering his own replacement by undermining his hand-picked successor? One night of bad headlines becomes a persistent nightmare on the party's chest
how exactly does one effectively muscle a coalition?
By being its leader; exactly the sort of thing that makes one an effective nominee. They are begging for Biden to show his effectiveness by disqualifying himself for ineffectiveness
Biden needs to Do Something & use the Bully Pulpit to convince people he shouldn't be a Leader.
101 days from mail and in-person early voting in multiple states!!! Including California, the largest, and multiple swing states, like Arizona and Nevada. He should use his effective leverage to replace himself and his handpicked successor 130 days from the election and 101 days from voting 🗳️