
BREAKING: Tesla did a whoopsie at their Fremont factory and polluted a bunch of water (pretty bad) and they can't keep it contained to their property. Levels of major pollutants massively over what's legal. Huge mess, no surprise. Link below is to a PDF.
Not to be That Guy, but I put out the warning about this back in 2022. I only had docs then that showed part of the problem with PCE, far from the whole picture, but literally nobody reported on this. Also, these were PUBLIC DOCS POSTED ONLINE. Not exactly All The President's Men shit.
Yep. We need more if That guy!
I assume they're using perc for brake cleaning, unless they're dry cleaning his clothes. I started my career doing pump tests of groundwater at closed dry cleaning plants and that stuff is nasty and very toxic. I am surprised/not surprised they're using it.
Where are they getting the gasoline and diesel from? Seems an unusual pollutant for an electric car manufacturing plant.
Various equipment at the plant probably still runs on dino juices in addition to the remnants from the NUMMI years
Oh, everything does. First of all, everything is always under construction there, so all of that. They have EPA violations related to generators, apparently they run lots of gennies. All of the logistics vehicles. Forklifts are propane, not electric (at Fremont, last I checked).
See, using lots of generators has me wondering what the fuck they're doing there ngl
Elnos secret mining rig?
It was NUMI first for decades
Elon doesn't really wear clothes that can be dry cleaned.
No more dry cleaning in California. Still used as solvent though.
Yeah, thankfully. You know a chemical is bad when the US EPA actually puts out a proposal to ban it, considering how much leverage chemical companies have
Could be anything. If they still have diesel and gasoline on site, it might be stored tetrachloeoethene from general vapour degreasing - printed circuit boards, the like
Let's go right back to the beautiful 1920s without those pesky regulations.
The problem with California is the lack of flammable rivers.
Where's my freedom to do an oil change wherever the hell I want.
You’re not alone. I’ve reported re repeated water& land pollution & environmental damage for years +defiance of regulators by Tesla at Fremont, Austin, China, Berlin, & SpaceX at Boca Chica. @ESGHound at Twitter also writes extensively on this plus the cos deceptive govt applications & reporting.
I certainly didn't mean I was the only one banging the drum, I'm just saying no major mainstream outlets have. Your work has been great, and I would never have begun to sniff out any of this if ESG Hound hadn't found my first blog post about Tesla's first violation in 2017. Dude schooled me.
No worries—I only meant to stand with you & highlight ESGHound great work. I agree media coverage is insufficient &mostly locally focused. I join with you to emphasize the persistent & urgent need for serious attention &action even as we keep getting shouted down by those enriched by the status quo.
Reminder that the left side of the graph is when it Wasn’t Tesla, but a joint Toyota / GM concern. So this is a problem that started when Tesla reopened the plant and decided it was cheaper to pay the fines and fight the lawsuits.
Not surprised, you've been consistently paying attention & thus ahead of other media outlets for literal years