
Some describe Harris supporters as "despairing" or "doomers" or "giving up" or "conceding." I need you to understand that it's the opposite. *Before* I came around to this position, I felt anxious and worried. Once I seriously imagined Harris as nominee, I immediately felt excited and hopeful.
underrated that Harris has the chance to make the campaign feel *fun*. Even folks who want Biden have to realize it's a guaranteed slog, filled with infighting and constant frustration. That's demoralizing even if you're die hard team blue.
Exactly. To be clear, after a convention where Biden leaves as the nominee, I will do my very best to make that campaign fun, exciting, hopeful, and optimistic as well. But until then, I’m going to be voicing my support for Kamala Harris as a better way to get that feeling.
At the end of the day there’s only one guy who can stop what’s probably coming, and he’s not on Bluesky. Alas.
Exactly, that’s why I’m trying hard (and failing tbh) to not let myself get too emotionally invested in either outcome, because it’s only up to Joe Biden to make the decision.
People have said that pro-Harris people assume the media won't rip Harris apart. Oh folks we know, trust me! Yes, they'll shred anyone who replaces Biden. But it's not about media, it's about motivating voters.
I am fully prepared to help drag Biden across the line if need be. But if turnout is the biggest issue [and I think it is], then I think Harris/Pete/Sherrod/Abrams/Whoever would be galvanizaing for most people.
I'm clear-eyed about the smear job Harris (or anyone else, though anyone else seems both unlikely and unwise to me) would face from the press and the right wing, same as Biden faces. But the difference is that our voter base would have excitement and energy.
Exactly. To clarify, it would of course have to be Harris plus any of those names as her VP.
Ohhh yes, I get you now hahaha. Yes, all good options! An unexpected Dem veepstakes stealing Trump's veepstakes thunder might be fun, too. I'd be pulling for Whitmer myself, but I'd take anyone.
Well, if it happens, this will be the attitude we'll need. It hasn't happened yet, though, and it's still better if it doesn't.
I'm looking forward to the warring factions joining forces once the convention is over (or once the decision is firmly made). I hate being in a position of conflict with many smart and thoughtful and decent people. Glad it won't last long one way or the other.
There are a thousand things still to happen betw now & Elec Day: - Olympics (Harris in Paris?) - Biden's cycling accident (yeah, it's coming) - Conventions - 50 shocking remarks by T (nah, they won't matter) - T's sentencing? - Anniversary of Oct 7 - Giants surprise World Series win - ...
I was with you until the last one there. smh
Tigers fan who will NEVER forget or forgive 2012 lol.
I wanted Harris back in 2020, so…
I was for Warren, but Harris was high up my list. Certainly higher than Biden.
Yeah, I *love* Warren, too, but I fear she’s just a tad too left to win a general election (as the general public still seems to fear free healthcare and education, corporate accountability, etc.).