Nina van Raay

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Nina van Raay

Journalist @ Argos
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🏠met Bas bij de IJssel
Praat ook wel eens over 🇬🇧 dingen op de radio
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Ik weet het. De zus van een vriendin kreeg als peuter een hersenontsteking door mazelen. Ze ontwikkelde zich nooit verder dan het niveau dat ze had toen ze ziek werd en had dagelijks epileptische aanvallen. Laat je kind vaccineren.
Laten we reli- en bakfietsouders niet vergeten in dit verhaal.
Een musspecht. 15 cm! 😍 😍
🇧🇷Pica-pau-pequeno 🌎Veniliornis passerinus O pica-pau-pequeno é uma ave piciforme da família Picidae. De porte pequeno, difícil de se notar. Apresentava-se como picapauzinho-anão e teve seu nome vernáculo revisado na lista de Aves do Brasil CBRO 2021. 📷 Richard Stubing
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Reposted byAvatar Nina van Raay
This is a wonderful video for language freaks. A linguist reads out several sentences in old English. An American, an Australian and a German try to understand it. I noticed that old English has many similarities with Frisian, that is still spoken in the Netherlands.
Old English Language | Can American, Australian, and Non-Native English speaker understand it? | Do you understand the Old English language? In this video, American, Australian, and Non-Native English speaker from Poland try to understand Old English by ...
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“At least 60 people have been killed in Israeli airstrikes across the Gaza Strip, health officials have said, including in an attack on a school sheltering displaced people and another on an Israeli-designated “humanitarian zone.””
Dozens killed in Israeli airstrikes across Gaza Targets include ‘humanitarian zone’ and school harbouring displaced people, where IDF says there were Hamas fighters
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De aanmatigende nuffigheid van die verschrikkelijke uitdrukking 'ik vind daar wat van' wordt uitstekend geïllustreerd door deze notarissen, klagend dat ze hun tonnen niet op één bankrekening kwijtkunnen, en het 'pandje' van hun kind moeten verkopen.
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The best kind of twist is one that hits you hard in the moment but in retrospect was inevitable. The final sentence here is a great example of the form.
“*Interessant* is ook dat de oude baas van EU-grensagentschap Frontex Fabrice Leggeri verkozen is voor het radicaal-rechtse RN. Leggeri moest twee jaar geleden aftreden na een vernietigend rapport van het Europese antifraudebureau OLAF, over onder meer pushbacks.”
Het nieuwe EU-parlement is groter, mannelijker en Samenstelling Europees Parlement: Het nieuwe Europees Parlement treedt dinsdag aan. Ook nu zitten er paradijsvogels bij. Verder valt op dat de nieuwe ploeg…
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Also shout out to this medieval sex worker who reported to the group chat which men had game and which did not.
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Baby crows crack me up. I have no idea how their parents manage to put up with their shit for so long. First they leave the nest before they can fly, then they spend weeks flying around before they figure out that they can literally pick food up off the ground and eat it.
Baby crow can fly but can't pick up Baby crows are hilarious. First they leave the nest before they can fly, then they spend weeks flying around before they figure out that they can literally p...
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“CNN has found that three former commanders of the Netzah Yehuda battalion – who were in charge of the unit at the time of alleged abuses in the West Bank – have risen through the ranks of the IDF.”
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🤦🏻‍♀️De waakhond is een poedel
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s exaggerated — and dare we say iconic — facial expressions and mannerisms have attracted attention worldwide. We trawled through the archives and selected her most relatable visages for your reading pleasure.
Which Giorgia Meloni are you today? The many faces of Italy’s prime minister.
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Declaring people to be vermin, enemies of the state, or un-human is the sort of language people adopt before they pursue a genocide.
“We will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington,” Posobiec said. ​“We don’t negotiate with un-humans. Because that’s the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity.”
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War! At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
Lees, als je niet aan het eten bent, dit verslag van Hamilton Nolan. De Republikeinen die zich vast warmlopen. Antisemitisme, zoals dit. En er komt nog veel meer duisters uit het conservatieve wormgat.
“We will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington,” Posobiec said. ​“We don’t negotiate with un-humans. Because that’s the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity.”
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War! At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
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Ik wil toch even alle media complimenteren die tot aan de veroordeling heel consequent terughoudend zijn geweest en zijn achternaam hebben geanonimiseerd
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Project 2025 authors at the Heritage Foundation are already alleging the next election will be stolen, claiming any result other than a Trump victory in November will have been the result of fraud and will be challenged.
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