
This, although I assume a lot of this is the need to build out better infrastructure. Africa needs more solar. They have the climate for it!
yep, and we should be building out that infrastructure - and making it modular as much as possible - before AI gets another milliwatt
Part of why I like solar for those places. Modular, localized, at least somewhat independent of the main grid. Particularly for small villages in the middle of nowhere (really for small villages in the middle of nowhere *anywhere*).
The box should be source-agnostic. Being able to plug in a windmill, biomass-burner Stirling engine (backup), or in extremis, a bicycle seems to be the way to go. Especially since the mostly-electromechanical portions can be maintained by a local machine shop or small engine mechanic.
Unfortunate sclerosis of a petrostate. The generators enabled by cheap petroleum deferred investment in a robust grid. Now that cheap petroleum is gone, the lack of infrastructure is apparent.
Right...and my solution remains the same. Help people afford solar ;).
It's not just affording solar but affording the charging infrastructure, and also having it secured enough that it won't be stolen by e.g.: Boko Haram (especially in the case of powering schools)
*nodnods* I didn't say it was cheap or easy, but I hold to it being the best solution for very remote areas that need local power generation.