Garrett Latimer

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Garrett Latimer

Pliosaur, toy designer, professional engineer, fifth-generation Clevelander.

Usually SFW, but be careful. Not for the kids.

Human-created art for humans. 100% AI Free. No generative sludge here.
Phenod's repairs to Aguro held up fine, but there was still a slow leak, Now I found it.
I want to be brave enough to feel joy for what I have, and what I had, in equal measures. I want all to be together.
Just got home from #Anthrocon. So many friends and not enough time to see all the fun panels. Wish I could have stayed for the toku one. Time to get an early dinner, unpack, do some laundry, and see what the damages are.
Well this is grim
Hey, remember how librarians and I were warning everyone that mass book-banning is just step one of a fascist government takeover? Well, some of the same book-banning orgs we warned you about are on the advisory board for Project 2025, whose leader calls it a "second American Revolution.”
It legit feels like American companies are trying to speed run the job quality index to record lows and beyond
i loved that place so much
Inflatable Zoo at #Anthrocon, too many photos to post here, expect a big photo dump on Furtrack. So many #fursuits and #pooltoys.
Time to go blow things completely out of proportion. #Anthrocon #inflatable
#Zoids! Featuring, one of three Shadow Foxes that can be given snoot boops at #anthrocon
Ohio is apparently a bustling hub for artists! the state also has really nice looking houses and apartments to live in!!
Happy Fourth for my fellow American furries...remember, stay safe and hydrated and always punch a nazi.
Labeled by the author
A quick bit of late-night line work; a digital re-drawing, some cleaning up and a few changes here and there on this one. #furryart
The ones celebrating the most today are also the ones destroying democracy in this country. It never was about the constitution or freedom. It was always about consolidating power for a select few, and a whole lot of helpful idiots that made it happen.
Avatar hugs the Aguro kaiju inflatable at ‘s Godzilla 70th Anniversary panel at #Anthrocon #fursuit
Usual pre-con jitters strike again. At least I made it to about 5AM or so before the tossing and turning really set in. #Anthrocon
Find me at AC this week! 📸
I dunno who needs to hear it but we don't need to be convinced of the danger if Trump wins. What we do need to be convinced of is that Biden will actually fight for us instead of rolling over and letting Republicans have whatever they want because he loves Mitch McConnell. That's the problem.
Race day 🏅🎉 Commission for RestrainedRaptor
Too spiky, no sits. More inflatable kaiju, Jugger the armadillo (Anguirus-analog). I'm thinking about ditching the tail club and tweaking his body proportions slightly. Also, that's a lot of spikes, baffle tearing is a slight concern... #furryart #wip
I don't really want to say much about the political situation. One, a bunch of other people have put it more eloquently, and two, I have enough to catastrophize about as it is. For the time being it remains important for me to put one foot in front of the other.
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
Sorry for the wall of text I'm running out the door to the airport rn! :3 <3
Finished six-character piece for Rastivar, of his vampire-hunting D&D dragonborn clan, plus their adopted kobold! Was a lot of work, but I love how it came out!
Never throw away your old VHS tapes, you never know what lost toon gems you might find between the commercials 🎨: