Doctora Malka Older

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Doctora Malka Older

nerd with narrative disorder • humanitarian • sociopunk • evidence-based creativity • speculative resistance • predictive fictions • INFOMOCRACY • THE MIMICKING OF KNOWN SUCCESSES • …AND OTHER DISASTERS •
Pretty common setup in authoritarian regimes! They don't actually want to eliminate sex work and porn, they want to control it as a method of social coercion and profit.
The apartheid regime infamously enforced heavy moral puritanism on porn, gambling, alcohol sales and even cinema in South Africa "proper" but ensured they would remain legal in the bantustans so they could play to the rubes while all the white businessmen and patrons would still have a loophole.
Suspect a big impetus to this push is an attempt to roll back the clock to the pre-internet days when the profits of porn distribution accumulated to the overlapping groups of local business tyrants, pimps and mobsters who owned the porn shops and strip clubs and prostitutes
Depends on how and who gets to define porn.
It’s a very obscure question but I did some research and it turns out that the president who led us out of the Depression and kicked Hitler’s ass was actually in a wheelchair? Who knew?
Kevin, I am not a historian, so IDK, but has there ever been a President in American History who used a mobility aid? And, if so, would you say this president who was so weak as to need, say, braces or a wheelchair, is considered to be one of the top President’s ever?
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
I mean, maybe there is another Matthew Walther in Three Rivers, Michigan (pop, 7,905) *also born in 1990* (via (Seriously tho, the NYT should amend the article to note that this guy does, in fact, vote).
Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
Loved this collection.
I recently had a new collection! A lot of queer/trans/intersex stories, also people turning into plants and the rental that drinks blood. Amazon: Bookshop dot org: (associate links)
It would definitely be helpful if we could have serious discussions about the political future of this country without stigmatizing mobility aids.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
Ik heb ineens enorm zin in een vliegerfestival?
Guidance for US people trying to understand the UK election results later: Tories under 150 seats: LOL Tories under 120 seats: LMAO Tories under 100 seats: ROFL
As far as I'm concerned anyone telling people not to vote, in this election or any other, is doing for malign purposes, and the only correct response is "Well now I am going to vote EVEN HARDER."
see also the posts floating around pointing out that the author of that piece has voted in the last few elections according to voter records
1.3 gigs of new gas to meet rising demand due to Bitcoin mining Trust me when I say the Bitcoin problem has not only not gone away, but very clearly gotten worse, despite far fewer headlines about it....
What cities/regions should I make sure to include?
Maybe we need to have some kind of giveaway/barter feed on here so people who are in the same city/area can find each other when they want to get rid of produce or do a craft material exchange, etc
Presto. It's really too bad I can't share with bsky since I don't know anyone else. I've still got a lot of Thai and holy that needs to be harvested next week. Not sure what the conventional wisdom is on making pesto with it? 🍽️
…against the next gang of ‘robbers’ who came to steal it & DID - & became swollen-hearted patriots in THEIR turn.” The birth of a nation is an accident of history & one which never goes too long without being remedied. END
Year after year long lists of casualties were published during the week that followed. Twain didn't think the "odious pandemonium" stood for anything. It was an imitation of Guy Fawkes Day, an excuse to fire pistols in the air & set things ablaze, crying patriotism. 7/9
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
He voted in both 2020 and 2022.
“Patriotism I s a word which always commemorates a robbery. There isn’t a foot of land in the world which doesn’t represent the ousting & re-ousting of a long line of successive ‘owners,’ who each in turn, as ‘patriots,’ with proud swelling hearts defended it… 8/9
Mark Twain hated the Fourth of July. He was often invited to speak at Independence Day festivities. His audiences assumed that his reliably unpatriotic remarks were tongue-in-cheek jests. But he meant that shit. 1/9
Wilf would like to remind everyone to bring their Photo ID when they vote, just like he did
Instead of accidentally blowing off a finger or two today and scaring dogs in the meantime, how about you let the Universe deliver some fireworks to you? I'll even explain the colors! 🔭 🧪
Fireworks on a cosmic scale: The curious case of the gas shell around CI A professional/amateur collaboration finds a previously unknown nebula. It’s weird, and gorgeous.
as they should be
Moral of the story: your teens are also concerned about what misinformation YOU have encountered on the World Wide Web.
I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
Moral of the story: your teens are also concerned about what misinformation YOU have encountered on the World Wide Web.