
been trying to place the the cognitive dissonance I feel with “to serve his country, Biden should step aside” and I think it’s that no one would ever suggest that Trump should do something that puts the country first
beyond the absurd decision to publish the piece at all, and the inequity in asking one guy to drop out when the other is a freshly convicted felon who is just as old, it’s that they just presume it’s not even worth the ink to ask the other guy to be selfless
I think the problem is less that it’s wrong to ask Biden to step aside, and more that they should’ve been saying that Trump’s unfit every single day for the past nine years.
Yes, the media should be x1000 tougher on Trump, but like, people are calling on Biden to step down for the same reason I call my Democratic Senator to criticize her for her position on Israel, but not my fascist Senator, who’s position is much worse - one of them might actually listen.
I wonder what Maggie Haberman's got on them that they don't?