
been trying to place the the cognitive dissonance I feel with “to serve his country, Biden should step aside” and I think it’s that no one would ever suggest that Trump should do something that puts the country first
beyond the absurd decision to publish the piece at all, and the inequity in asking one guy to drop out when the other is a freshly convicted felon who is just as old, it’s that they just presume it’s not even worth the ink to ask the other guy to be selfless
I think the problem is less that it’s wrong to ask Biden to step aside, and more that they should’ve been saying that Trump’s unfit every single day for the past nine years.
Yes, the media should be x1000 tougher on Trump, but like, people are calling on Biden to step down for the same reason I call my Democratic Senator to criticize her for her position on Israel, but not my fascist Senator, who’s position is much worse - one of them might actually listen.
I wonder what Maggie Haberman's got on them that they don't?
That’s all the more reason to do it - like point out in the editorial that it is falling on deaf ears. I hate them so much.
"beyond the absurd decision to publish the piece at all" THANK YOU
Not sure I understand this issue people are having - you’re meaningfully annoyed/aggrieved that the NYT did not print the most obvious statement they could ever make? Why?
nobody really believes Trump gives a shit about the country, so they don’t consider it a plausible thing to ask I think part of the issue is some of these folks think Biden might actually listen to them
Everyone knows Trump is running to avoid prison.
And yet they will vote for him.
They will vote for beating up young people, POC, and women. Trumps just their last chance golden ticket to terrorize. They want to feel cool!
Also the unspoken premise, belied by “for the country” rather than “for the Dems”, is that Trump is so monstrous that it’s not like McCain beating Obama and he can’t ever be allowed to win. Which I think is true but you wouldn’t know it from reading the NYT or CNN!
Wouldn’t the point be that Biden should step down to save us from trump (via some candidate ex machina TBD)? If so, obviously trump isn’t going to do that, even if he did care about the country.
I mean, there are certainly some constituents who do believe that about Trump, but they aren’t reading the NYT
Hey! The Philadelphia Inquirer FTW The Philadelphia Inquirer gets it right.
For his role in destroying the stock market, Trump must be tried and executed in The Hague. Only then will capitalism flourish. Just tossing out ideas here
We’re in a flat spiral where only Dems are held accountable which rewards the GOP’s corruption but ensures only Dems are to blame and the consequences are getting worse.
All of this, but also, as I keep saying everywhere: it is not an easy or simple task to spin up a new campaign with a different candidate in 4 months. It’s simply too damn late to be talking about dropping a presidential candidate and running someone else in their place.
A lot of people coalesced under Biden in 2020 under the assumption that he would defeat Trump, serve one term, and step away. Not everyone believed that, but there were plenty of rumors that would be the case and a lot of people only acceded for that reason. It's too late now, but it's depressing.
“The soft bigotry of zero expectations.”
An old man has demonstrated his unfitness for the Presidency and should withdraw from the race, and it's the rapist convicted of 34 felonies who tried to overthrow the government and cheat democracy, appointed judges who overturned Roe v. Wade, and is biologically incapable of telling the truth.
Well since Trump is outwardly a comic book villain running on a platform of revenge and prison avoidance... everyone understands there is no great appeal to his conscience or patriotism possible. The Biden commentary IS coming from a friendly, terrified place.
The Philadelphia Inquirer did just suggest Trump step down
It’s because people believe that Republicans are incapable of knowing right from wrong at best and ontologically evil at worst. While this is true, it’s a state of affairs we should stop tolerating.
People have been calling on Trump to drop out for a decade. The fact that people are recognizing that Biden also seems to be bordering on disqualified for the office has nothing to do with Trump.
It's simple, really. They both should step aside. But Trump is a narcissist who only puts himself first, never the country, whereas Biden is a decent man who does actually care about putting the country first. Unfair? Perhaps, but let's actually put the country first.
Like shouting “dance!” at an escarpment.
It's not a mystery though. As the piece says, a 2nd Trump presidency is the danger that must be contained. The piece is actual pretty remarkable for calling that out. People are mad about the fairness of it. But these are not fair times.
Besides the Philadelphia Inquirer
I believe this is called the soft bigotry of low expectations