#1 Rad Dad

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#1 Rad Dad


I will be posting (bad) bird pictures. Also, some butterflies and other bugs. Possibly other nature friends.

Wife: Why are you taking so many clothes? Are you abandoning us? Me: I'll be gone for seven days. That's not that much for seven days. Wife: Are you abandoning us? Me: [Wife], I'm not abandoning you. You can tell because I'm leaving my minis.
Somehow this is all going to be the fault of people who voted for Jill Stein or Bernie Sanders and not the Biden die hards.
Teaching my 12 year old nephew valuable life lessons by ABSOLUTELY CRUSHING HIS SPIRIT over several games of Battletech.
The last time I gave a shit about UK politics was 1776.
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
this is one of my least favorite tropes and it is especially ridiculous when the heroes have just shot their way through an army of mooks to get to the villain oh, you can kill 475 henchmen but the guy who is actually responsible for ordering them around is a step too far? do you hear yourself?
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
Y'all out here missing out on hidden gems because you're stuck on D&D.
Working in corporate manufacturing, I can guarantee you that if SCOTUS guts OSHA, people are going to die. Regulations are BARELY followed as is.
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
What if, instead of casting the One Ring into Mount Doom or using it, the people of Middle Earth just gave it back to Sauron?
Huge nose? Check. Cro-magnon brow. Uh oh, check. A little fat? Loud? Check and check. Oooh nooo.
I think it's cool for Capcom to return to Frank West's roots as looking vaguely like an offensive drawing of an American. Huge nose, cro magnon brow, perfect.
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
No, I don't believe that we in Bsky have handlers or whatever, but I DO believe that if you're arrested that they will use your social media as evidence against you.
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
Joe Biden please get the microplastics out of my testes ❤️
Just a reminder that you can enjoy whatever you like. People on social media like to gatekeep, ignore them. They're fucking idiots.
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
"Oh? You think analyses from the 19th Century are STILL 100% correct in the 21st and map one-to-one to our current conditions? Please, tell me more, Comrade Hufflepuff."
Reminder that giving up accomplishes nothing. Likewise, don't post anything that can land you in jail. It's never too late to start building a community, growing a garden, and learning how to defend yourself. Anyway. How about them Mets?
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
WASHINGTON (AP) — Biden says Supreme Court decision on immunity means 'there are virtually no limits' on a president's actions.
It's fucking wild that instead of Biden being like, "We, the Democraic Party, are going to use the levers of power, put into place as a system of checks and balances, to remove the Justices that are actively working to undermine our democracy" he was just like, "Y'all should vote."
Sup, chickens. Y'all are so weird.
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
Just remembered I can fix all of this by giving $15 to democrats
I woke up from anesthesia, sorry to all the losers and haters.
I think three quarters of my hobbies have just been experiments to see if I could do something. I only maintain about 10% of my hobbies regularly.
I'm so hungry and I can't stop shitting. I want a big ass bowl of rice with an egg and a shitload of kimchi.
I am a human faucet.
Drink. Poop. Drink. Poop. Drink. Poop. Drink. Wait...? Nope, poop.
Drink. Poop. Drink. Poop. Drink. Poop. Drink. Wait...? Nope, poop.
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
Invested all my money in acorns which became a forest which makes more acorns, I am a financial genius
Hell yeah, middle age. Doing colonoscopy prep today and I'm so fucking hungry and I haven't even started the "shit your brains out" meds yet. Huge fan of getting old. Falling apart AND I get to get weird, uncomfortable procedures all the time? Fucking A, baby.
Reposted byAvatar #1 Rad Dad
It maybe sounds unfair if you don't think about it very hard, but when you take a government job you now work for everyone and your own crises of conscience have to take a back seat to your duty to treat all equally. If you don't like that, you don't have to work in government!