
it's disability pride month so I'd better not see you fuckers being casually ableist for a short primer, this includes words like "stupid" "lame" "insane" "crazy" and phrases like "are you blind?!" and "falling on deaf ears" real quick solution, use accurate language. or just shut your mouth
I have been really trying to avoid this language altogether since I learned about it last year (embarrassingly late in life). If I ever use it again, I apologize in advance (and again, I’m actively trying not to) Signed, -A Mediocre White Dude
i appreciate your efforts! I'm not perfect. it still slips out of me sometimes. best we can do is correct ourselves, apologize, and move on.
Exactly! I think it really helped that I learned about it (from in the context of Elorn Mask being a goof on Twitter and avoid using ableist language with him was challenge mode level difficulty.
oh definitely. Link is good people. I've definitely had words over how people refer to Elon and Trump and etc. i dgaf if they're terrible people, we don't mock their appearance, disabilities, nor use ableism or bigotry against them.