
My most unhinged belief, that I will defend to the death, you ask? Easy. It should be illegal to mow, landscape, or water golf courses. You should have to play in whatever the natural landscape of the area is. Through an RFID chip in the ball and aim for the clear patches, you cowards.
The Kansas Open should be a fifty mile endurance golf game along the Cimarron national grassland to the Colorado/Oklahoma/Kansas border.
Apropos of nothing, Denver has a great series of bike paths following the creeks/arroyos through town, which are wide and green and a great place to be, Except mine detours you up onto a narrow sidewalk shared with pedestrians along a major road, Because a private golf course can't learn to share.
Always green, even during droughts, with non-native grasses and constant irrigation. For the oldest country club west of the Mississippi, formed in 1887, with membership by invitation only. And big ass walls to hammer home the separation.
If you want to play golf in the Denver Metro, it should be on the High Prarie out past Aurora, Or down Colfax Ave, during slow traffic times.
Can the city expropriate some of it, if enough single issue voters get their people on the council?
The question that immediately comes to mind is: How much of that land is a flood plain? Don't turn flood plans into housing, turn it into public parks instead.
I don't want housing on it, I just want the city to pass a law saying "this bit isn't yours any more" or at the very least, "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall" I'm unlikely to ever even visit Denver, so the only benefit I'd get would be imagining Golf People sad and Actual People happier
It is unfortunately where all of the most obscenely wealthy movers and shakers in Denver have memberships, so
Violent revolution is the only answer, I see
Man, it took me more time then I'd like to admit to figure out where this was, since my brain was going "where in all that is Denver does Alameda run N-S like this? And with University E-W like THAT?"
(To be clear, I am in no way saying that this is your fault! You included the compass RIGHT THERE on the screenshot. I am just, apparently, a moron.)
Nah, turning something 90 degrees is magic. Half of my cities in d&d are just city maps from the 1700s rotated slightly, and literally nobody has noticed.
When I lived in Denver 40 years ago I used to ride the bus past there frequently, and I never realized it was there. I was certainly too broke to ever play there anyways, even if I liked golf.