
CW: Pet Death I just got the news from Harley's human that this exceptional good boy, this 200lb lapdog, this absolute goober, passed in his sleep last night. I met Harley on a random walk, asked if I could pet him, and got warned, "Yes, he's friendly, but he also makes only one terrifying noise."
My last day dogsitting Harley for now, so we're having floor hangs
When I kneeled down, and he let out his best "I'm a mastiff and you're going to die" boof, and I didn't flinch, two things happened simultaneously. He ran up to me for pets, and his human asked if I was interested in dog sitting. And... of course I was. Look at him.
Did you know that maybe dogs can have carrots and apples and hummus too?
I only got to know him for about two years - and it feels wrong that that should be a full quarter of his life. I'm glad I got to love him while he was here.
A week or so ago, I got to watch him for a day. He was... tired. The stairs were clearly a bigger deal than they used to be; he was far more interested in leaning on you and getting loved on than playing tug. I was hopeful it wasn't a sign. But I got a chance to say goodbye, for which I'm grateful.
Walking Harley. In order to bypass the "I refuse to walk more" as soon as this 200lb lap dog pees, I've resorted to hiding treats in my hand and pockets. As someone who is also food motivated, i get it.
You were the best, Harley. I loved you from the moment I met you.
rip to harley, he looks cool. this is hope, she died about a month ago. we love them when they’re here and miss them when they’re gone.
Such a snoot on her! Such distinguished grizzling! A distinguished lady!
she was a champ, also passed in her sleep. and the kicker is that her name when we adopted her: harley quinn
aww, sweet pup, i'm sorry he's gone! that sucks. ❤️
Oh mate, so sorry to hear this
Oh, Nome. I'm so sorry. He was such a good boy. It's not fair that their lives are so short.