
Have we considered the possibility that 4 months is an eternity now (quick, tell me from memory what everyone was arguing about in late February!) and if Biden looks good in a future debate the only people who will remember Thursday are people who were never, ever going to vote for him anyway.
Most people would've just seen the 2 clips on social media. They're pretty devastating to his image and the question of whether his age makes him capable of holding the job for 4 years
There is a flaw in your logic
I know we all live in an ideological social media bubble but I promise you video clips of Biden looking ancient and sounding like he chose the wrong Grail have been circulating in abundance for a very long while now! They don't have special power if they are from The Official Debate!
I'm not denying there's an abundance of content in the genre. I think you're underestimating how bad the 2 clips where Trump gets in a zinger are, and overestimating the attention span of 'most people'
OK well we can sit here all year debating the qualitative Worseness of various clips but I have already seen about 100 clips of him looking and sounding dead and I'm not convinced two additional clips did it, just because every columnist decided to shit their pants over it simultaneously.
You are right. I'm a stranger from the other side of the planet, and I hope you don't get the former guy again, friend
synchronized pants shitting should be an Olympic sport in 2026.
There’s not enough space on that gold medal platform to accommodate all of America’s “thought leaders”