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New Zealand's liberal blog.
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That PGP key expired a long time ago
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
Kia Ora! This is our first post on Bluesky - we've just joined! We're all about standing up to the fossil fuel industry to end all coal, oil & gas projects - and calling for a just transition to a cleaner, fairer Aotearoa. Hit us with any questions, and we can have a kōrero!
A global campaign to confront the climate We are standing up to the fossil fuel industry to end all coal, oil, and gas projects in New Zealand, and calling for a just transition to renewable energy in the hands of our advocates.
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
As a scientist obviously I'm all for research & the potential for new technologies to give us new solutions - *but also* it's increasingly obvious that things like methane vaccines are being used as an excuse to do nothing, now, because something might come down the line. It's been decades.
Looking at National's emissions reduction "plan", and thinking the insurance industry should simply withdraw cover from NZ.
Front page headline was "Police trying new approaches to get more cops" So, slipping $1 "recruitment payment" into people's drinks, roving press gangs kidnapping people into the police for service on Stuart Island or Hokitika
Police eligibility criteria extended to increase potential pool for Changes include allowing people on their restricted licence to apply to become officers.
Sometimes I just want to do a post screaming "fuck you fuck you fuck you" for a full page. And that's pretty much how I feel about National's climate policy.
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
Check my maths. Labour's ERP set out to cut transport emissions by 15 MT, 15 bn kg. 1l of petrol/diesel =~ 2.6 kg CO2e, so around 6.25 bn l for 15 MT of emissions. At a pump price of $2.50 (including ETS costs) that's ~$12.5 billion in foregone cost to our economy. National cancelled this.
it is always bad when I put graphs in a post.
Graph1: in December, with previous policies, we were on-track to meet our 2050 target a decade early. Graph2: Under National's policies, we will never meet it.
National does not expect transport emissions to fall during ERP2 (because they killed all the policy and want m0ar roadz!!! and Bigger Truckz!!!). Labour's policies would have cut them by ~15 MT.
National: "we will use the ETS to do all the work in cutting emissions" Also National: "we will keep carbon prices too low to drive emissions reductions"
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
The National Party today announced its new crime-prevention strategy, 'MP Fast-Track.' Luxon said "if someone commits the right type of crime we really want them to be doing that to the nation," decrying the loss of opportunity presented by crimes being perpetrated only on local communities.
A prominent National Party figure Siva Kilari, who this month heaped praise on the party’s crime reduction record, once “duped” a couple out of $125,000, court documents obtained by Stuff reveal.
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
So, aside from wanting to enable their friends & donors to make out like bandits before it all comes crashing down, this short-termist profit-extracting approach to climate is signalled by the language of quarterly KPIs, like companies focused on paying dividends instead of investing for the future.
The thing I find most frustrating about lack of commitment on emissions reduction (not offsetting) is that there are so many things we can do *right now* which are effective, cheaper than the high-emissions alternatives, and have additional benefits. The cancelled ferries are a prime example.
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
Also worth noting: the ERP does not include the emissions increase from the government's planned reversal of the fossil fuel exploration ban. This wipes out all their savings in EB2, and almost everything in EB3.
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
The thing I find most frustrating about lack of commitment on emissions reduction (not offsetting) is that there are so many things we can do *right now* which are effective, cheaper than the high-emissions alternatives, and have additional benefits. The cancelled ferries are a prime example.
It is amazing how little national's core "climate change" policies - 10,000 public EV chargers, m0ar renewables - do, and how heavily they're learning on non-existent magic tech and unquantified "up to" "reductions" to meet their targets. Or maybe its not. This is not a credible plan.
"We have a problem and I need your help to fix it" is a reasonable campaign platform.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
The coalition's climate change plans are best summed up as "someone will do something... at some point... *shrug*." NZ no longer on track for net zero under Govt's new climate plan
NZ no longer on track for net zero under Govt's new climate Tree-planting and carbon capture technologies are at the centre of the Government's new climate change plan.
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
Useful things you could offer to a child and their whānau with 100k rent, bills, kai, clothes, pay debts, hauora appointments, therapy, education and work support, some senior social worker time, sport, trip to connect to whānau.
Boot camps could cost $100,000 per A trial involving 10 boys aged 15-18 starts this month but there has been little detail about what exactly it will look like.
Looks like I got 3 right. Will need detailed reading, but this looks like complacent, do-nothing bullshit
Predictions for tomorrow morning's Emissions Reduction Plan: * blank sheet of paper * "The ETS will fix it all" (but we will keep carbon prices low with massive subsidies) * M0ar renewables! (unfunded) * (unfunded) promises of research, but no implementation * no credible emissions reductions
New Zealand's future climate targets in jeopardy, new calculations The government's draft emissions reduction plan was published this morning and things are worse than a year ago.
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
"we will deal with emissions by relying on technology that doesn't exist yet. no we're not going to fund research into those technologies, that's socialism"
Reposted byAvatar Idiot/Savant
Predictions for tomorrow morning's Emissions Reduction Plan: * blank sheet of paper * "The ETS will fix it all" (but we will keep carbon prices low with massive subsidies) * M0ar renewables! (unfunded) * (unfunded) promises of research, but no implementation * no credible emissions reductions
Seen on the Toot Site: a comparison tool for road damage, so EV users can see how badly they're getting fucked over by subsidised mega-trucks