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I'm northern - gaming, knitting and everyday stuff with cats and being a librarian. I'm fannish, but haven't written anything in years. I read SFF books.
Letting Opal wash for a while without the onesie.
Looks like today will be the last Pilates class for me. The instructor goes on vacation if I understand correctly.
Opal is still tired but her healing incision is looking great. ❤️
Going to watch the Fireside Chat with Sam Riegel. It's gray and a bit rainy, the cats are all sleeping and I've given Opal her painkillers.
Making oven potatoes and a tuna dip thingy. I put the last of the fresh thyme in there, and mustard and lime and some more things. Mm.
I had to turn off the fan so Opal can sleep here without shivering. Drafts are bad right now.
Fiona is being, like, "I can't be expected to eat next to this ...aberration!!" so she gets her food on the counter, like she did when Opal was new here. I guess she's just super sensitive to vet stuff.
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This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
Fiona is still grumbly and hissy about Opal smelling different after her day at the vet, so I hope she accepts her soon.
Yup, contract signing on Wednesday, probably. :)
Sigh, I bought the smallest size body for her but it’s still too large. She is 2.2 kg so she’s grown more than a kg since she came, but apparently not enough for a body. Guess I’ll try doing this without and see if it’s fine anyway.
Sorry, Fiona, that was only there for the showing. Zevran would eat it!
Hello little honey! Time to go home. ❤️
Got the painkiller prescription for Opal to my phone way ahead of actually getting her, so now I already have the meds she needs tomorrow. :)
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for everyone who has been enjoying dyspraxia chat today (or is in any other way neurodiverse or different in your body): do read Susan Sontag's Illness As Metaphor every single illness and difference that we had no ready explanation for has always been interpreted as a character or moral flaw
(I met a neurologist at a party and told him I'd managed to forget how to ride a bike - which was quite upsetting for me when I discovered it, as it had been a VERY hard-won skill as a child - and he said "ah right that's diagnostic for dyspraxia. Non-dyspraxics really can't forget.")
LOL. They actually want it - I did not expect that quick of an affair. Asking price, which is just fine. I’ll call my agent back and there should be contract writing pretty soon if things work out.
I’m actually glad I got that surprise showing. I’ve done a lot of the cleaning I need now. I just want to wash my windows again before Sunday.
Whoops, a prospective buyer wants to see my condo today (first showing is Sunday). I guess I’ll clean now! It won’t be super excellent and there will be two cats, but the person is forewarned and wants to come anyway. (He’s going away on vacation and can’t do Sunday.)
Fiona and Zevran resting with me while we wait for Opal to be done.
Sent in pictures of cats on leashes for the breed magazine (they we’re looking for them). I hope they like some of them. :)
Today is spay day for Opal. She was so frustrated that there was no breakfast for her. 😿
A sleepy girl and an attentive boy.
Got myself a seat where I can keep an eye on my bike easily. I’ve never brought a bike on the train before, so I kind of expected a rack or something, but at least there’s a “seatbelt”. :)
I might bring my bike on the train to new!town today. Weekends you can bring your bike on all the trains going there and back.
Sleepy pile o' cats. From the back: Zevran, Fiona and Opal.
My plan for my condo showing in one week is to hang out in the park with the cats on leashes under a tree while it's going on, since it's summer. (There must be no trace of cats while showing the condo.)
The mashed potatoes are gone but I still have so many meatballs. I guess I'll make a casserole tomorrow?
Was up too late and slept too little. Canceling my Strength Development.
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About 1,600 renderings of exoplanets are organized in Martin Vargic's latest project. Take a closer look: