
the modern American right has always been the sludge that Nixon left behind, so it makes sense that their courts would eventually exonerate him in some form or another
The important thing to understand is what a scarring psychological shock Watergate was for elite legal and other Conservatives in America, but in the opposite direction to everyone else. When they said "never again".. ..they meant "never again can we let them bring down one of OUR GUYS like this."
So I gotta get fucked in the ass due to grudges held by people who were born multiples of my lifetime ago, over a guy who died when my parents were kids? This fucking SUUUUUUUUCKS.
Even more than left behind - the people who stayed with him basically until the very end became the next generation of leading lights
Feels like this is also about trying to scribble Bork did nothing wrong into history books as well.
I heard a convincing argument that the neocons, for all their flaws, were a blip of relative normality for American conservatism. Their liberal roots gave them some grounding with beliefs like WWII was just, Lincoln was a good president, and some vague notions of pluralism.
They've been replaced by followers, that they invited in, of paleocons like Pat Buchanan and anarcho-capitalists like Murray Rothbard, who are intellectual descendants of guys who argued we should have sided with the Nazis while WWII was ongoing,we're regressing to the previously typical derangement
The behind the bastards episodes on Kissinger (in which Nixon was a star side character) really helped put everything into perspective for me for how we got to where we are. All those choices back then paved way for what we see now.
Yep. Those acting shocked over gambling, I mean Trump, in this establishment were either gunning for an Oscar or too stupid to come inside when it rains.
Knowing nothing about Watergate, a few years ago I decided to read about it, and imagine my face when I saw the name of the person who helped Nixon accomplish the Saturday Night Massacre.
And to this day, conservative legal types think keeping Bork of the SC is one justification for going scorched earth to take it over. These people are enemies of America, and unfortunately letting them operate freely for 40 years will be our downfall.
Biden should absolutely send goons into RNC HQ now, if not MAL.
It isn't sludge, but we'll designed and financed strategy.