They'll trot out "religious liberty" when it's about not buying employees health care but making sure people don't freeze to death? A bridge too far.
I had to look up the charges: Ohio law prohibits residential use in first-floor buildings in a business district, so cops came during a church service and issued 18 zoning violations bc the pastor was letting people sleep there so they didn't freeze to death!
As folks freeze to death in Milwaukee, Ohio pastor charged for offering shelter | Whose responsibility is it to protect unhoused when it's freezing outside? An Ohio pastor opened his church to the homeless and was charged by city.
You can stay home and get a good night sleep on New Year's Eve You can read a book or just have a nice dinner. I have let the pressure of "IT'S NYE!" ruin many a holiday when I really just wanted to watch some stupidly intellectual documentary, sip wine, and sleep well.
We need to remember that hard right parents are destroying the lives of trans children not just out of ideology, but as an example to their own children of what they will do if the child deviates from the hard right view of perfection. There are many layers to this level of cruelty
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