
This headline conceals the fact that it was the pro-Israel protestors who brought clubs and bear spray and attacked the encampment. The LA Times described it as "counterprotestors violently attack" which fits with the footage.
UCLA cancels classes after counterprotesters violently attack pro-Palestinian Counterprotesters tried to tear down the barricades surrounding the encampment. Some on campus said they were stunned it took so long before officials stepped in.
Violence doesn't "erupt". This is a lazy and biased headline. The actual headline should be: "Pro-Israel demonstrators violently attacked Pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA"
Who can say why or how violence happens. Maybe it's done by thinking, sentient beings, or maybe there was a cloaked Predator stalking among the protesters or maybe it's just an elemental force created by volcanic gases leaking from the Earth's core.
Any time you see violence happen against leftists, a wizard did it.
It's more like - Violence against leftists: divine retribution Violence against fascists: FALSE FLAG! DEEP STATE! ANTIFA! LGTBQ SUPER SOLDIERS!! GEORGE SOROS AND SPACE LASERS!!
The passive voice is doing so much work in this piece you should give it a byline
The title saying that violence erupted as protests escalate suggests the violence erupted because of the anti-genocide protesters rather than because of the people attacking them, which is journalistic malpractice.
And of course the cops did not thing to protect the peaceful protestors.
Our response to the Gaza genocide writ small.
Not only have you used passive voice to ignore the fact that counter-protestors attacked the protestors, you've also hidden the fact that cops were on site for an hour and did nothing and didn't make a single arrest of the violent instigators. NPR needs to stop riding that 'both sides' dick.
What an incredible microcosm of what's actually happening over there. The cops were kind of like the USA too. They might not have armed the pro-Israel demonstrators, but they did nothing to help the victims while the attack ensued.
It took 6 paragraphs before you mention that police were doing jack shit to stop the violence started by pro-Israel supporters
Should the headline not be, Police fail to protect peaceful students from attacks by outside agitators?
hopefully the cops beat the ever-loving f*ck out of the "free palestine" students in response
y'all if i have to put "/s" on every gd skeet the problem is *you*
Nah man, this just isn't funny even read as sarcasm. What is ... What is it you're Looking for here? Haha, yes, state-sponsored violence is kind of hilarious when you think about it. ???
"cops beat protestors in response to counterprotestors" are y'all in the 2nd grade.
Where's the humor in that? And did you know a key component to humor is empathy? That is, formulating a joke based upon "theory of mind" as to what you think other people will perceive as funny. This is why right wingers can't do comedy, incidentally.
No it isn't. If you're so irony poisoned that you can only communicate by means of sarcasm, that is in fact your problem, and it's not everyone else's responsibility to parse your words for hidden meanings. It's different when you're talking with people who already know you, obviously.
sorry the /s was silent. some of y'all have your perception skill set to -50
Without any signifier your sarcasm is utterly indistinguishable from something the boot-lickers are *literally* saying. I've seen exactly as much from them. For goodness sake, ya gotta do something, anything, to make it clear you're being facetious.
sorry i assumed users would check my bio/post history for half a second to understand my position, i know that's asking a lot. i'll go walk into traffic now 🫡
Never seen a tribe of people lose so much credibility and good will, globally, so fast. Wow. History ain't gonna be kind to them. Which is ironic, given the history.