Joseph Finn

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Joseph Finn

Movie lover, reader, terrible guitar player, Illinoisan/Virginian
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Reposted byAvatar Joseph Finn
1977 Elizabethtown NJ? I keep expecting Bruce to wander into screen.
It’s 10:30 at night on a Sunday. I really did sleep in. So hell yeah I’m gonna watch Sorcerer (1977) for the the first time with a big bag of flaming cheddar and sour cream chips, some dip and NA wine.
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Israel released three Palestinian hostages who were being held in prisons. They were ordered to walk towards Gaza, and then soldiers executed them. It is believed that those killed belonged to a local group of aid workers. Field executions are routine for Israel...
Israel 'executes' four Palestinian prisoners near Gaza Israel has allegedly carried out the field execution of four Palestinian prisoners amid a climate of worsening prisoner abuse during the war on Gaza.
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All of the people indulging in these fantasy Democratic primary scenarios think that people vote reflexively because it’s what they themselves do; they don’t realize that turnout is a product of hard work. Unseen, unheralded work. By unseen, unheralded people.
I don’t know why they think pissing off the door-knockers and canvassing power of the party will end well, but these people don’t understand what they refuse to see
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Most Americans don’t think about measles because vaccination had largely eliminated the scourge from the U.S. in 2000. But many Americans who survived measles as children never forgot how sick they were. These are some of their stories.
Isolation, extreme fatigue, lingering misery: What it’s like to survive Measles is back, after vaccination largely eliminated it from the United States. Survivors describe having one of the most contagious diseases on Earth.
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For the first time, tonight, I got to be the murderer in an old-school radio play and lemme tell you. It feels GOOD.
OK. I’m forgiving of the City Connect uniforms (except Boston’s, which suck). But what in all that is holy is this nonsense where the player name overlaps the number?
Fuck it, we’re doing this. Now watching Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny (2023). Because James Mangold knows how to make a movie.
"We must reform the Ninja Empire!"
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And the Telegraph winds up its election coverage with one last ‘fuck all of you’.
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Someone who thinks these are actual TV episode plots is found torn apart by hedgehogs. Suspicion falls on Midsomer Morchard’s poacher, obsessed that Daily Mail readers might threaten DCI Barnaby’s future as a detective.
Continuing Spielberg day, it’s time to punch some Nazis! Now watching Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981).
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The media is showing its whole ass today.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
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"When politicians say [migrants are overwhelming local infrastructure], it is typically because they have refused to invest in that infrastructure for their own citizens long before the arrival of any migrants. [Isn't it easier to blame those] whom much of electorate are already primed to despise?"
I finally wrote an essay about the rise of the far-right in Germany, for DIE ZEIT. It’s called “The Hatred Is Accelerating” and you can read it in English here: and in German here: - if of interest, please share.
Happy Jaws Day. Now watching, well, Jaws (1975).
Starting off Independence Day, as you do, with some Varda. Now watching Daguerréotypes (1975). #52filmsbywomen #52filmsbywomen2024
This movie scared the hell out of me as a kid.
X: THE MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES (1963) Ray Milland, Diana Van der Vlis, Harold J. Stone. Dir: Roger Corman 8:00p ET (5:00p PT) A scientist develops a method to extend the range of his vision, with terrifying consequences. 1h 19m | Sci-Fi
Nobody thinks the president is leaving outside of bored political commentators looking for something, anything to write about.
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For Christ's sake, tomorrow is the 4th of July!
Man I love my periodontist. Seriously. Just had a follow up after my tooth extractions to make sure everything is going well before we do the other work and I get my upper denture and they put in the bottom implants. (I know - it’s a lot.) But he’s never condescending and he cares.
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NEW: Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred in New York