Nick The Time Miser

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Nick The Time Miser

Will talk about Tron Legacy , video games, geeky books, and found footage horror AT LENGTH

Still fondly remembers Baja Mango Gem Mt Dew
That scene from Network becomes more an more relevant every year
waited till 8 Got 5 miles in took me an hour and 42 minutes but it's a start
Wanted to go for a nice long walk today but it's too miserable outside. Frustrating. I have all this anxious energy and walking tends to be the only way I have of focusing it.
Finished up Pet Sematary Bloodlines it's... fine script seemed all over the place an actors were trying their best with the dialog the concept of the movie was sound but might have worked better as a TV series or miniseries
Godzilla and King Kong are just the "time to make the doughnuts" guy in this movie
"Hey, why are you supporting this? It's not going to help you at all!" I like seeing other people supported and succeeding. Their joy makes my life better. Things don't need to directly impact me to be good things!
3 months after surgery Left hand is still eh Heart beat feels like somebody is flicking me with their finger every second Upside, no nurse will ever have trouble taking my pulse again, the mechanical valve is very audible gonna put the work in tho, get under 300, maybe it'll improve things
Dark Waters. was a solid movie, tho maybe not the best thing to watch given the state of things in the last month
Watching Dark Waters Mark Ruffalo really plays understated roles well
Random FYI to techs Dban 2.3 iso stinks Use a prior ver of dban Save yourself the hour of dicking around that I just did.
ya know.... not this election... but next election ...Taylor Swift COULD run for president i normally would think such a thing ridiculous but i mean... like... the last decade... come on
"they just make things up" so they're politicians? Remember to tip your servers! I'm outta here *drops mic*
A lot of people don’t understand that Generative AIs will just make things up. They’re more like Mad Libs than what we used to think of when we said “AI.”
I do not understand my brain at all sometimes At work I deal with complex apps, Dbs, servers , etc., quickly & efficiently outside work.... takes me a week to get around to cutting my hair it's not even hard! i just buzz it myself! why do i have so much trouble getting around to simple tasks
Anytime a position is offered thru LinkedIn i get suspicious you hear stories of recruiters gettin others to leave a position with promises of a job elsewhere, then, turns out the job was a lie an they contact the current employer saying "we heard x left,we can find someone for that role for you!"
Finally got around to watching Ultraman Rising Good watch an a beautiful looking movie, thanks for mentioning this movie a week or two back, otherwise I'd never have checked it out
reminder folks phone calls an letters will have more of an impact then emails call your local & state govt reps if you don't like something least for now, citizens determine if a rep gets re elected
i just want a video game where you play as Columbo in the Fallout world basically mysterious stranger the game I guess
I need to find time to play Darkest Dungeon , see if it's something I might like
TOONCES LOOK OUT! For the one person that gets the reference without looking it up *fist bump*
I will never buy an Alexa device That said....this is really cute....and they're making it hard for me not to buy an Echo
No monitor while doing rehab today. that was nice I've found myself liking Hallmark channel Christmas movies on mute it's like right in front of the treadmill
ya know maybe JUST MAYBE Private equity firms shouldn't exist an are like 50% of the problems right now just saying
Hours after the Supreme Court sharply curbed the power of federal agencies, conservatives and corporate lobbyists began plotting how to harness the favorable ruling in a redoubled quest to whittle down climate, finance, health, and labor regulations.
Corporate lobbyists eye new lawsuits after Supreme Court limits federal Powerful opponents of federal regulation — in climate, finance, health, labor and technology — are already planning how to use the ruling for their advantage.
There are MUCH more important implications for the overturning of the Chevron doctrine. But in my aviation world it's gonna be nuts. You have any idea how many hair brained homebuilt aircraft/spacecraft the FAA is keeping grounded? Cuz you're about to find out.
I'll probably never date but if I do, first date question "What's your opinion on people who use phones in a movie theater' that answers a lot real quick
better now ate an actual meal I'm gonna write this morning off as having a caffeinated drink for the first time in 3 months last night