Nick Sousanis

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Nick Sousanis

Comics as thinking. Eisner winner. Unflattening from HarvardUP ( Former Detroiter/NYer/YYC/now assoc prof SFSU-Comics Studies!
Always a treat to get unexpected mail from! Inspiring draftsmanship of the highest order!! Thanks, Landis!
“No one is coming to save us - it’s up to all of us. … democracy is something we must always be in the act of doing.” What can each of us do to ensure this experiment is remains ongoing… From my comic “Ing”
I’m maybe just a little too pleased with how this spread is taking shape, particularly considering about two thirds of it will be entirely obscured by an overlaid element… but whatever, miles to go on the page - so I’ll being pleased as a win! #nostos #unflattening 2
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Mark your calendars! The International Comic Arts Forum (ICAF) is coming to San Diego in April 2025.
quarks and anti-quarks annihilating each other at the start of the universe as they do... (and yes, I don't really know what they look like - and the black/white is simply to tell them apart. #Nostos #Unflattening 2
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The Supreme Court’s ruling putting presidents above the law must be understood not simply as a grant of immunity for past crimes, but an enthusiastic endorsement of those he will commit if given the chance.
The Supreme Court Gives Its Blessing to Trump’s And gives him permission for a despotic second term.
It seems to me that the people held to the highest level of ethical, moral, and legal standards should be the president, Supreme Court justices, and congress people - and right now that’s all flipped on its head…
My 79 year old, super sharp mom just wrote a letter to @POTUS encouraging him to stay in and fight and offering her support to see this through. So there’s that.
I hope that in the not too distant future there’s a photo of Joe Biden holding up the NYTimes editorial headline ala the way that Truman held up the “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline in the Chicago daily tribune…
less anxiety-producing news, cool to see Robert Zemeckis's adaptation of Richard McGuire's seminal "Here." I teach the original version alongside Moore & Veitch's brilliant "How things work out" - both prime examples of how comics can do things that can only be done in comics! 1/2
Woohoo - composition complete! Days just to get the panels drawn - no one count them, best I don’t know & simply keep moving as I figure out how to draw quark-gluon plasma, protons, neutrons, electrons, & antimatter! Bird by bird, particle by particle, indeed… #Nostos #Unflattening 2
Saw the Pixar emotion chart posted by someone to that other site - thought it was pretty neat and it immediately reminded me of’s facial expression generator from the six base expressions (which was subsequently turned into the Grimace app
Miles to go in terms of figuring out how to draw subatomic particles at the start of the universe, but I’m so geeked about the design of this ridiculous page spread! #Nostos #Unflattening 2
why is there no third option? GFY...
I suppose at some point my boy will no longer delight so much in finding a good stick, but for now I’ll celebrate it…
Thanks for the lovely spot for a picnic today ! As Kurt Vonnegut said, “if this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.”
Big "Bang" redux - minor revisions (though time-consuming) but worth it to make it a little more sharp. Onward to a sea of subatomic (non)particles on the super dense page behind it! #Nostos #Unflattening 2
BANG! My quest to figure out a spiraling word balloon tail led to this (tnx to those who offered suggestions). I'm trying to incorporate more comic book elements alongside my not-so-comic-book like subject matter/drawings - things I think about teaching. #Nostos #Unflattening 2
On the hunt for word balloons with tails that spiral or swirl particularly around the balloon itself. Do any such examples exist? Appreciate any leads!
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It’s hard to know when you’re done with a drawing. For those who saw earlier version I posted, I pretty much redrew every single squiggle (ship of Theseus-style) - all to depict the first ~trillionth of a second of the universe. Universe sprouted faster than I drew this! #Nostos #Unflattening 2
Every time I read about these beyond the pale ethics violations by Clarence Thomas, I think of first time meeting for lunch & him not letting me pay since he was reviewing my work for my publisher. If cartoonists can voluntarily have such ethical standards…
BREAKING: Harlan Crow Provided Clarence Thomas at Least 3 Previously Undisclosed Private Jet Trips, Probe Finds Thomas flew to Montana & elsewhere on the billionaire’s dime. Crow’s lawyer revealed the flights to the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose investigation was sparked by ProPublica reporting
Harlan Crow Provided Clarence Thomas at Least 3 Previously Undisclosed Private Jet Trips, Senate Probe The Supreme Court justice flew to Montana and other destinations on the billionaire GOP donor’s dime. Crow’s lawyer revealed these flights to the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose ongoing investigatio...
3 tenure external review requests in as many days - I feel like
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What a great idea! Make comics - help voters and candidates engage with real issues and get informed on what’s going on and what people care about…
The Comics Cultural Impact Collective are running a campaign to promote the power of the medium by encouraging creators to send zines and comics to their MPs- read about it here! #comics
however long you think it takes to draw the mass inflationary period of the universe with non overlapping squiggles - I can assure you, it takes longer... #Nostos #Unflattening 2