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The official Bluesky account for ProPublica
The NYPD Commissioner Responded to Our Story That Revealed He’s Burying Police Brutality Cases. We Fact-Check Him. Commissioner Caban identified no inaccuracies in our investigation but instead argued it was unfair and that he’s “in compliance” with the guidelines. Our reporting shows otherwise.
The NYPD Commissioner Responded to Our Story That Revealed He’s Burying Police Brutality Cases. We Fact-Check In his five-page statement, Commissioner Edward Caban identified no inaccuracies in ProPublica's investigation but instead argued the story was unfair and that he’s “in compliance” with the guidelines...
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“Paxton’s decision to sue Annunciation House came against the backdrop of a yearslong effort by right-wing Christian groups and figures to paint immigrants as part of a Democratic plot to undermine American Christianity — despite a large percentage of migrants being Christian.”
Judge Denies Texas Attorney General’s Efforts to Use Consumer Protection Law to Shut Down a Migrant Shelter Annunciation House is one of more than a dozen organizations Ken Paxton has investigated using the state’s powerful consumer protection laws.
Judge Denies Texas Attorney General’s Efforts to Use Consumer Protection Law to Shut Down a Migrant Annunciation House is one of more than a dozen organizations Ken Paxton has investigated using the state’s powerful consumer protection laws.
Judge Denies Texas Attorney General’s Efforts to Use Consumer Protection Law to Shut Down a Migrant Shelter Annunciation House is one of more than a dozen organizations Ken Paxton has investigated using the state’s powerful consumer protection laws.
Judge Denies Texas Attorney General’s Efforts to Use Consumer Protection Law to Shut Down a Migrant Annunciation House is one of more than a dozen organizations Ken Paxton has investigated using the state’s powerful consumer protection laws.
The NYPD restored more than 2,000 missing discipline records to its public database of uniformed officers, weeks after ProPublica revealed data reliability issues. But it also removed case numbers, making future oversight more difficult.
NYPD Restores Thousands of Missing Records but Removes Case Numbers From Its Discipline The department restored more than 2,000 missing discipline records to its public database of uniformed officers, weeks after ProPublica revealed data reliability issues. But it also removed case numbe...
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The Supreme Court's right-wing supermajority didn't happen overnight. This is the inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that reshaped the American judiciary and legal system.
We Don’t Talk About Leonard: The Man Behind the Right’s Supreme Court The inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that remade the American legal system — and what he plans to do next.
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The Failure to Track Data on Stillbirths Undermines Efforts to Prevent Them Fetal death records are often missing cause of death, race and other crucial information. ProPublica found that the problem is only getting worse.
The Failure to Track Data on Stillbirths Undermines Efforts to Prevent Fetal death records are often missing cause of death, race and other crucial information. ProPublica found that the problem is only getting worse.
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If you're looking for some digestible (if infuriating) background on how the right wing corrupted the US judicial system, I recommend's podcast "We Don't Talk About Leonard." Hate to say it, but climate activists now need to care a whole lot about reforming the courts.
We Don’t Talk About The conservative legal movement in the United States is more powerful than ever. One largely unknown man has played a significant role in pushing the American judiciary to the right: Leonard Leo.
The Failure to Track Data on Stillbirths Undermines Efforts to Prevent Them Fetal death records are often missing cause of death, race and other crucial information. ProPublica found that the problem is only getting worse.
The Failure to Track Data on Stillbirths Undermines Efforts to Prevent Fetal death records are often missing cause of death, race and other crucial information. ProPublica found that the problem is only getting worse.
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Conservatives Go to War — Against Each Other — Over School Vouchers School choice advocates are intent on expanding the availability of vouchers to fund private education at the expense of public schools, but rural residents of these targeted states are putting up some of the strongest resistance.
Conservatives Go to War — Against Each Other — Over School School choice advocates are intent on expanding the availability of vouchers to fund private education at the expense of public schools, but rural residents of these targeted states are putting up som...
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"Yet private schools face almost none of the accountability that public schools do regarding how the money is spent and what outcomes it achieves."
Conservatives Go to War — Against Each Other — Over School Vouchers School choice advocates are intent on expanding the availability of vouchers to fund private education at the expense of public schools, but rural residents of these targeted states are putting up some of the strongest resistance.
Conservatives Go to War — Against Each Other — Over School School choice advocates are intent on expanding the availability of vouchers to fund private education at the expense of public schools, but rural residents of these targeted states are putting up som...
Conservatives Go to War — Against Each Other — Over School Vouchers School choice advocates are intent on expanding the availability of vouchers to fund private education at the expense of public schools, but rural residents of these targeted states are putting up some of the strongest resistance.
Conservatives Go to War — Against Each Other — Over School School choice advocates are intent on expanding the availability of vouchers to fund private education at the expense of public schools, but rural residents of these targeted states are putting up som...
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Utah OB-GYN David Broadbent Charged With Forcible Sexual Abuse More than 100 women have publicly accused the doctor of touching them inappropriately, but this is the first time he has faced a criminal charge. w/
Utah OB-GYN David Broadbent Charged With Forcible Sexual More than 100 women have publicly accused the doctor of touching them inappropriately, but this is the first time he has faced a criminal charge.
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Orphaned wells are a climate and public health nightmare. The oil industry continues to dump *billions* in cleanup costs onto taxpayers and is fighting reform efforts. Fantastic reporting by Mark Olalde for on an issue that rarely gets the attention it deserves:
How America’s “Most Powerful Lobby” Is Stifling Efforts to Reform Oil Well Cleanup in State After In New Mexico, oil companies agreed to work with regulators to find a solution to the state’s more than 70,000 unplugged wells. After months of negotiations, the industry turned against the bill it he...
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"But when the two sides can’t agree, they go to battle in a system created by the CMS and other government agencies. There, an independent arbiter weighs various factors and determines the final payment amount. This arbitration is at the heart of many of the law’s unintended consequences."
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New York City’s Police Commissioner Edward Caban has repeatedly used a little-known authority called “retention” to prevent officers accused of misconduct from facing public disciplinary trials. Victims are never told their cases have been buried.
New Yorkers Were Choked, Beaten and Tased by NYPD Officers. The Commissioner Buried Their New York City’s Police Commissioner Edward Caban has repeatedly used a little-known authority called “retention” to prevent officers accused of misconduct from facing public disciplinary trials. Victi...
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This is such an important story on plastics recycling. I wanted to echo Lisa's description of the games being played with "mass balance" and "free attribution" methods — the means by which the plastics industry makes weak claims about recycled plastic content — as similar to offsets.
1/ Last year, I became obsessed with a plastic cup. The cup was made via pyrolysis — a kind of chemical recycling I'd heard a lot about. The plastics industry made pyrolysis sound magical. It was a way to turn hard-to-recycle plastics into new plastic. So I tried to buy the cup…
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"Federal laws and agency rules require that tribes be able to weigh in on decisions that affect their treaty lands. But in practice, consultation procedures sometimes force tribes to reveal information that makes them more vulnerable, without offering any guaranteed benefit."
In a Push for Green Energy, One Federal Agency Made Tribes an Offer They Had to Refuse The Yakama Nation wanted to consult on the development of a project on sacred land. But when the tribal nation refused to disclose confidential information, the agency moved forward without tribal input.
In a Push for Green Energy, One Federal Agency Made Tribes an Offer They Had to The Yakama Nation wanted to consult on the development of a project on sacred land. But when the tribal nation refused to disclose confidential information, the agency moved forward without tribal inp...
In a Push for Green Energy, One Federal Agency Made Tribes an Offer They Had to Refuse The Yakama Nation wanted to consult on the development of a project on sacred land. But when the tribal nation refused to disclose confidential information, the agency moved forward without tribal input.
In a Push for Green Energy, One Federal Agency Made Tribes an Offer They Had to The Yakama Nation wanted to consult on the development of a project on sacred land. But when the tribal nation refused to disclose confidential information, the agency moved forward without tribal inp...
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"The documents reveal that the government’s 1950s era of dam building on the Columbia was marked not by a failure to consider tribal impacts, but rather by a well-informed and intentional disregard for Native people."
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“But here’s what’s not in the report: The injuries to Native people were not just an unforeseen byproduct of federal dam building. They were, in fact, taken into account at the time. And federal leaders considered that damage a good thing.[…] government documents from the 1940s and 1950s ….”👇🏽
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