
“If a former president can be convicted for breaking the law then so can anyone” seems to me the entire ever-fucking point
Convicting Donald Trump for 34 felonies is a slippery slope to convicting regular rich white men for as little as one felony
Regular poor men get convicted of much less all the time. The plutocrats sat themselves atop a greased up mountain and gorged themselves on greed. Eventually that excessive weight of stolen wages and cost of living price gouging deserves a ride down the slippery slope.
Love this. Smack dab in the middle of Reagan's trickle down poverty. We knew it was bad but we didn't know it would turn the really wealthy millionaires into Billionaires within 40 yrs. We had no idea how bad Reagan actually was.
To my knowledge and interpretation respectively with him also the era of organised #ChristianNationalism and #Dominionism started or lifted of. Albeit rather secretly and clandestinely - #NAR #NeoApostolicReformer movmt. See for detailed research.
Exactly, although Christian Nationalism has been a seed in the GOP since the Barry Goldwater days.
I might have been too young to catch this one....