
As for me, today, I intend to spend much of it: -embroidering -watching Star Trek: Voyager -spending time with Cloudy. Tomorrow I will begin his “end of life, have sushi everyday!” diet. I’m going to give him the best week that I can.
Oh, Cloudy, my sweet, beloved, striped friend. Our adventures together, I fear, are coming to an end. Cloudy (15, kidney disease) continues weight loss, etc. Vet to call me to discuss next steps. As is, Cloudy has a presumptive final vet appointment next wednesday. Maybe we’ll get more time.
Speaking as someone in the same boat right now, sympathy and solidarity.
Damned old cats. Sympathy and solidarity. We are lucky to have them.
I'm so sorry and I hope you have a wonderful week.
Oh, that's so hard, take care. Cloudy is lucky to have you.
Thank you. He is a good kitty. I am lucky to have him & that he could stay for so long.
Im so sorry. I lost my cat a few years ago to a kidney defect. Its just awful.
Thank you and I am sorry. Your kitty was lucky to have you. He’s been with me for 15 years so we’ve had some good time. The Great Compact: best life I can give him & easiest transition to his next existence. That latter part is never easy.
15 years is a good long life. Lucky to have you as well<3
I still miss our "retired tomcat" who adopted us when I was about 6 and passed when I was in college. Also thinking about one of my very stoic good friends who almost broke down sobbing when taking about buying a cheeseburger for a last meal of their family's dog. Pets. they're just so much more.
❤️there is so much room for love in the little guys im
Keeping you in my thoughts these days. Enjoy your sushi little one. 💜
I am so sorry Martin. I am sure Cloudy will love every moment and be an utter cat about the rest.
The joy they bring has to be paid back when we help them exit. Lots of love to you both!