
It is within Biden's conclusive and preclusive authority to protect the country from insurrection, and eliminate insurrection leadership to prevent repeat attempts.
Is it even illegal now for Biden's constituents to call for him to assassinate a former president?
It's is the duty of the constituents to remind the president to perform his duty.
Never has been, at least since Brandenburg v. Ohio. Of course, lots of "legal" conduct can still constitute probable cause for an unpleasant visit from the FBI.
True. SCOTUS should just come out with it, and every decision they make like this as an asterisk leading to a footnote that says: "does not apply to the proletariat or anyone who does not have a net-worth in excess of $10 million".
He needs to test this theory by sending the drones in. Eradicate the cancer. Level it to the ground.
I sure hope this finally convinces him that we are no longer in the good ol' days of bipartisan comity and co-government.
I like that you're kind of living the opposite of your self-chosen name. We have Cult 45, who never said STOP in his version of "Waiting for the Worms" (Hint: we're all trapped in there with him, right now), and then we have you, who is definitely not Comfortably Numb. Well done!
He should be making all attempts to secure our country from the revolution from within that threatens us all.