
Meanwhile all the energy around combating antisemitism in mainstream discourse is being directed toward overly circumspect college presidents by dupes and charlatans.
I just don't understand why the DC press are such complete idiots these days. They will drive us to dictatorship. Any reporter worth their salt should be aware when someone is trying to manipulate them & report in a way to serve the public, not the manipulators.
I suspect some are fully aware they’re used, but that sweet sweet insider access tho
If so, then it's pure corruption. It's exactly the same as all the GOP who won't go public against Trump because they'll lose power. Much of this society's power elite seems to have lost any sort of ethical core. I'd like to see Woodward & Bernstein do an op ed or something on these current failings
that is, they know it’s wrong and bad, but they have to be like this precisely BECAUSE it will end democracy; they tried to prevent democracy from starting to happen here c 1968, too, and as an institution are excited to finally get that baby strangled
I could take more seriously the congressional outrage if the same representative denoucing the university presidents hadn't also touted the great replacement theory. Attacks on education are attacks on democracy.
The same people (not just Stefanik) are busy trying to destroy our educational institutions in other ways, so it's just another front on that attack. Media failure to contextualize is very bad.
This so so much It was a clumsy, pedantic performance by Magill, but her answer wasn’t wrong and she’s not an anti-Semite. Musk clearly is, as are several of his cronies, yet they face nothing. It’s all such a joke…
Is that really about combating antisemitism though
And it works because we live in a stupid country with stupid people who are bringing on the Trump Empire bc gas is high waaaaa waaaa
Elite universities enrollment is around 20-25% Jewish. The idea that any are antisemitic is insane.
“Jews now make up 9.9 percent of Harvard’s undergraduate enrollment and 12.2 percent at Yale, according to estimates on Hillel’s website.”
This is actually a complaint of some big donors. (Percentages have gone down significantly the last decade or two). That it should get back to the 25-30 percent figure of the past. You’ll never guess at whose expense that will be. (Hint: not their hs age kids)
There are a couple more dangerous, but anyway...