War Hater

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War Hater


Life survivor
How is Karl rove still a thing?
This is not how you want your drive home to go
I am not against old people working because I hate old people, i am against them working because I like them (in theory) and don't think they should have to or even want to work. Also I am against them crowding out younger people. A person with a few years can't understand someone looking at 60
All narcissism all the time
Reposted byAvatar War Hater
So you’re telling me the coexist bumper stickers didn’t work
Ok but as my late Zen teacher would say "You don't know what that means." Making a positive impact is often achieved by "leaving things as they are" "leaving people alone" To most people they feel the need to force change in others to "be better" Doing less is the positive change we need
I still think this and I try to keep it in mind even while 80% of my feed is people expressing outrage and vitriol at anyone who isn’t wholeheartedly promoting some specific opinion about the best path forward for the world
I am pretty sure the play is to keep doing the same thing as you always do. It has managed to work for Biden and Trump for 80 years. But there were so many bad choices along the way, you say. Yes exactly but we saw a t-shirt yesterday "It is not treason if you win"
Things Biden could do that would take attention away from the debate and his age: (1) Call for expanding the Supreme Court (2) Announce that he's ending or strictly conditioning military aid to Israel until the war in Gaza ends
My brother sent me pic of JK Rowling's yacht. It is docked in Nova Scotia Look at the name Samsara
My bank account after a week on the Cape
I played a round with Yoda, he sucked at golf tee to green but used the Force on short putts like nobody else.
honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
If people internalized that in America there are no good options when you are 82 years old, this wouldn't have happened
I think what makes this difficult to discuss with any kind of rigor is that Biden staying in is bad and Biden dropping out is also bad! There are no good options available so we’re all flailing to figure out which bad thing is gonna be like 15% better than the worse thing
I wish I could vote in the UK today It seems like a banger this year.
I just saw 100s of seals just hanging on a sand bar silly creatures
Nobody mentioned Charles Raymond Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate, the 1957-58 murder spree. It started the obsession of killers and even connected to Columbine
OK besides this below and DEVO coming out of the Kent State massacre, what are other facts you have about the evolution of art / music /etc that wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know but, retroactively, explain and/or illuminate a LOT ?
There is a ton of real estate on the market on Cape Cod. It is objectively way over priced. The Cape is a vacation or retirement home market. 5 - 15 million dollars does not have the demand base and so many other places competing. I am really hoping the 2nd home market crashes in 15 years
Because I am a dzogchen guy, none of this is real all a creation of mind, but JFC can you people curb your delusion and stop creating her!
round earther
While waiting for a table last night, A boy tried to chat up my 10 y.o. his whole family and friends were giving him advice. Bro you don't have the rizz or maybe even the gender for my girl. She is an ego destroying legend. A boy told her he liked her and the response was "That's sad"
I am very proud I have lived to see the rise and fall of hooters Next up Tesla
Reposted byAvatar War Hater
Good morning to all my legal colleagues rolling into the office this morning in an open bathrobe, boxers, a stained t-shirt, and mismatched fluffy house slippers, clinging a bottle of vodka and answering every question with “What does it fucking matter, nothing’s real anyhow.”
There is a reason to believe people need giant fires to change their views and they have to feel directly affected. A Gaza genocide, meh, but towers and 4000 people literally changed the path of entire world. I don't advocate for it, but it is not invalid.
I have twice seen accellerationism on my feed advocated for by ostensible leftists and I feel like it needs saying: Accellerationism is one of the single most evil, cancerous schools of thought to mutate simultaneously out of the extremes of political thought. It is absolutely vile right through.
We have moved on.
Seems a relevant week to see this close up.
Anyone that votes for me gets $1000 tax refund.
Me and my pardoned son hunter are going on a bender. Lfg
Oh Ronaldo. Now my daughter knows it is ok to cry over a PK.
Maybe it is all about the immunity one gains along the way.
Yada You can go through without optimism.
Things are bad but all the more reason for optimism of the will and rejection of doomerism and nihilism. Only way out is through.