
A Biden nominee to the Third Circuit who would be the first Muslim-American to serve on any federal appeals court doesn’t have the votes to be confirmed among Democrats in the Senate, it appears.
One Democrat opposed to the nomination has revealed herself. In her statement of opposition, Sen. Cortez Masto endorsed Republicans’ attacks on Mangi’s affiliation with a NY nonprofit that helps family members of incarcerated people w healthcare and legal services.
This is how seats are open for unqualified hacks like Aileen Cannon.
But pup, this can't be, I've been confidently told that the rotating villain is fake and only Manchin and Sinema have bad opinions.
Think Tammy Baldwin is another one and quite surprising , to be honest.
At least Baldwin looks like she's gettable, and she has the excuse of being in a tough reelection contest. Cortez Masto was just reelected. She has political capital to burn.
Ah yes, helping people struggling with healthcare and legal representation, a cause Democrat senators are historically opposed to.
They literally have no idea what his judicial philosophy is. They never asked him a question about the law. He could be devoted to the originalist position of Clarence Thomas and they wouldn’t know it.
That *the* Danny Glover is the board chair of
I fucking hate when racist bullshit works.
Must be a day that ends in a Y. Remember when this old ass TV show host ran for president on basically a platform of "keep them brownies outta mah country" and a bunch of otherwise normal people voted for the racism with the pretext of something they didn't really understand about email servers?
I remember seeing a right wing tweet during the Barrett confirmation that no one would question her religion if she were Muslim and I thought it was one of the dumbest things I had ever read
Feel like they should be naming names of the Senators objecting (and I bet Fetterman is one of them).
Conservative groups have run ads in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Montana to pressure Casey, Brown, and Tester to oppose the nomination. If that's the case, the administration needs to wait to confirm Mangi in the lame duck. But if it's actual ideological opposition, then my money is on Fetterman.
Not saying it's not the case, but if that's the reason, it's bad reasoning. Most people aren't even paying attention to senate races right now. I'd also think they'd convey that to the WH if that were the issue and find a way to delay, which isn't what this reporting reads like.
Yeah, it very well could be that there could be genuine opposition that has nothing to do with the upcoming election. If that's the case, Mangi needs to withdraw, but those opposing him should also come forward and explain their reasoning.
Constituents should have an opportunity to reach out to their senators who are opposing him whatever the reason, whether they agree or not. Doing it this way, with no vote and no opposition on the record, takes away that opportunity.
What's funny is it hasn't been rare for Democratic senators to vocally oppose certain Biden nominees to burnish their moderate credentials. "This nominee is too soft on crime." "This nominee's regulatory policies will hurt our small businesses," etc. That they're trying to quietly scuttle Mangi 1/
I didn't know about the ads but I figured it would be Tester, Casey, Fetterman as likely opponents. Maybe Manchin and Sinema too. Brown and Baldwin probably wouldn't want to risk things either. Sad state.
If it's just about political risk, they can delay a vote for Mangi until after the election without pulling him. If it's genuine opposition, he needs to be withdrawn, and a confirmable nominee needs to be sent to the Senate.
Fetterman: I have brain damage which means I’m allowed to hate Muslims :)))
Which Senators and why? This reporting is useless.
Only if you're focused on the distraction and not the results. Democrats as a coalition have perfect discipline when it comes to backing genocide. It's only when it comes time to deliver for the people that significant internal divisions emerge. Fuck the whole brand, vote Green or stay home.
I'm sorry all I see is "blah blah blah blah I'm a fuckin moron."
Quick say one insult that isn't based on intelligence or age. You guys have an empty deck.
Being vocally opposed to genocide is.. kind..?
When has my behavior been unkind?
Here's one: You post like you think. Anemically.
Interesting, but that's just half of the test. You do need to have some basis in reality, and you just don't have any way to know that beyond unflattering assumptions.
You hide behind a smiling emoji because deep down you haven't felt happiness in such a long time you can't remember its taste. Each smile on your face is fake, why wouldn't the virtual one? In your bio you're "nice deep down" because that's where all your positivity lies - buried deep, inaccessible.
Actually, it reminds me to be nicer on this account. Curse less, minor aesthetic adjustments as a nod to what you folks value.
Hey now, not all Olgino bot-herders are dumbasses. 4chan trolls OTOH...
None of those words are in the bible.
Not voting is voting And voting green in a presidential election is a waste of a vote.
Like the waste of a bullet. Sometimes better to throw it away.
no, please do not add bullets into my comment. thanks