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Pop culture, sports fan, politco, history dude
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If you're saying that the only way you'll agree to a temporary ceasefire is if you are guaranteed that you can go right back to armed aggression at its end, I'm skeptical that you'll negotiate in good faith during the ceasefire.
“Any Gaza ceasefire deal must allow Israel to resume fighting until its objectives are met, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday, as talks over a U.S. plan aimed at ending the nine-month-old war were expected to restart.”
Hamas says it's waiting for Israeli response on Gaza ceasefire proposalwww.reuters.com Hamas is waiting for a response from Israel on its ceasefire proposal, two officials from the militant Islamist group said on Sunday, five days after it accepted a key part of a U.S. plan aimed at ending the nine-month-old war in Gaza.
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Reposted byAvatar AJ
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
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Trump said “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it.” But Project 2025 is run by Trump's closest aides, raising concerns about cognitive fitness for a candidate who seems unable to recall those around him. donmoynihan.substack.com/p/troubling-...
Troubling Signs of Cognitive Decline as Trump Struggles to Recognize Closest Aidesdonmoynihan.substack.com "I know nothing about Project 2025" statement triggers new concerns about his fitness to serve
Reposted byAvatar AJ
Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
Reposted byAvatar AJ
one of the most dishonest things people in my profession do is pretend as if “the story” and “the narrative” isn’t something they have direct control over
Reposted byAvatar AJ
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Reposted byAvatar AJ
…the dramatic sweep or bang of a March on Rome, it’s gonna feel a lot more “normal” than that and therefore easier to dismiss by many elite pundits 2) ask an older Black voter if it’s hard to believe that America may no longer be a democracy at some point in its modern history.
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Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
You'd think on a day like this, the POTUS could issue a statement talking about the country's refusal to be ruled and how leaders need to be accountable and how they aren't kings.
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If someone's telling me not to vote, I'd like to know their take on actual policies that are at stake in the election. The NYT, apparently, does not think that's relevant.
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Reposted byAvatar AJ
The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.
Reposted byAvatar AJ
Remember, if you're angry at the supreme court setting themselves up as dictators, don't protest at their homes, focus on organizing to defeat them the next time they're up for reelection.
Reposted byAvatar AJ
An aspiring dictator & convicted felon w history of treason may win the presidency. Profoundly corrupt SCOTUS justices undermined the constitution and gave him immunity from prosecution for past & future crimes. This is all political journalists should be writing about 24/7. We’re at the precipice.
Dems need to win it all. Definitely the House. We need a Dem speaker just in case Harris becomes President. The stakes are too high for the speaker to be GOP.
Regardless of is Dem nominee, Trump remains a danger. And since SuperPacs can't coordinate with campaigns, there really isn't anything stopping them from attacking Trump, SCOTUS, or GOP right now. What are they waiting for?
Donald Trump and John Roberts
If Biden ends campaign, he has to stay in office. Harris having incumbency is important but not at risk of death given she'd not have a VP. And Speaker Johnson is next in line. She could select one for new term though. If Biden stays in and wins, this issue doesn't go away unless Dems win House.
Reposted byAvatar AJ
Thought experiment: Imagine if Obama, after claiming an election had been stolen from him and being convicted of 34 felonies, was granted immunity by SCOTUS justices who had taken undisclosed luxury trips on George Soros' dime. The fact that you can't even imagine this scenario tells you something.
Hard to argue with this. Given the MSM, while Trump is the danger, Biden's age seems to get the clicks.
Reposted byAvatar AJ
George Lucas in 1999 making a movie about how the senate and Supreme Court are hopelessly corrupt:
Reposted byAvatar AJ
I kinda feel like now that the Supreme Court has declared it legal for a president to straight-up murder people they don't like, it's probably even more important to not elect people who seem extremely inclined to murder people they don't like
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Reposted byAvatar AJ
Right-wing legal talking heads are focusing on arguing that it is RIDICULOUS to say that a second-term Trump will be empowered by immunity to do horrific things, while carefully preparing to argue in seven months that it is RIGHT that Trump do horrific things which aren’t actually horrific anyway.
Reposted byAvatar AJ
“Korematsu is overturned, but here is a decision whose logic echoes and reinforces Korematsu” is an example of the paradigmatic dishonesty of the roberts court
It seems like an essential key to reelection for Biden would be to run against the Roberts Court. Their unaccountabilty and decisions damage the health of the country. It would be so easy to have them as foils, yet Biden probably won't do it and he should.
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My advice to you: Take today off. Go for a walk. Read poetry. Nap. Call your loved ones. There is a 4 month battle ahead where the outcome is uncertain. Rest up. Nothing more you can do today- or this July 4th week to be honest. Remember what what America could be, if we have the will.