
So who’s “us”?
The piece is not an op-ed btw. Although I might argue the headline and decision to push alert it are an editorial.
I don't remember profit being the point of diversity, though I suppose that argument might have been used to get CEOs to do it.
The argument was that businesses that had already embraced diversity in the c-suite were more successful than their conventional counterparts. It didn’t translate because most of the companies that supposedly “embraced DEIB” only did so as window dressing and didn’t actually change their culture.
In my experience, execs seemed to think “embracing DEIB” equated to hiring one VP DEIB, giving them zero resources, ignoring their input and expecting the mere act of having a VP DEIB (without doing any real work) would change their culture and foster a welcoming place for diverse talent to thrive.
Inverted causation? Companies with good inclusive professional culture, an eye for talent, know how to find undervalued labor, and promote based on talent do well. As a result, they had diverse staff at high levels. Hiring diverse staff at high levels, however, doesn't get you the other 4 things.
Apparently it’s attacking a McKinsey study so I doubt it was done out of empathy
diverse and not. ive had leaders, peers and led teams of both. diversity in background = diversity in perspectives and invariably leads to strategic outcomes CEOs want to see! And for the last 15 years! outcomes are not driving this claw back; theyre cutting operating costs and this is the excuse
One quote in particular suggests the speaker has no familiarity with how racism actually functions: “It seemed implausible because companies would have jumped on it and the advantages would be competed away,” said John Hand, an accounting professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Particularly given how and why the university where he teaches chose to lose out on Nikole Hannah-Jones teaching journalism there, it’s not as if there isn’t a recent example of one way racism works close by.
This makes no sense in so many ways. All sorts of companies DON'T do all sorts of things that would make them more money for all sorts of reasons. A cursory evaluation of failing businesses would reveal that. Also why would the advantage be "competed away?" Computers give businesses advantages...
... and everybody has (now) rushed to adopt them, and yet they still provide competitive advantages over anybody trying to run a business without computers in 2024. Also many companies DIDN'T rush to adopt computers! Most of them aren't around any more! Also also also also why an accountng prof?
Reminds me of the old “the wage gap can’t be real or else companies would favor women” my friend the first mistake you are making is assuming the market is reasonable and companies aren’t run by people who make bad decisions for personal reasons.
That reminds me of the old adage, "The markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent." Even if you posit that the market is ultimately fully rational and efficient, it should be prima facie that the market isn't always in this hypothetical equilibrium state!
Sounds like the accounting Professor has efficient Capital markets hypothesis brainworms.
The editor and writer banking on goodwill in the coming revolution? 🤣
Always hedging their bets.
weekend edition publishes essays in a separate section; it’s not a news piece but also doesn’t fit with opinion
This separation is most obvious in the print edition, isn’t it? (I saw the link without even thinking of this.)
yes absolutely; I think it’s in a pullout
Cause it's all about money, ain't a damn thing funny You got to have a con in this land of milk and honey…
Someone’s making a decision to push based on their opinion - definitely editorial
A valid argument, especially given that the article itself lays the blame on an old McKinsey report
Ending on that anecdote was certainly a choice too 🫥