
Donald Trump on Monday suggested that the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel, should leave her post, when asked about the party’s lackluster fund-raising and electoral results in recent years.
Trump Says Ronna McDaniel ‘Knows’ She Should Step Down as R.N.C. The former president also signaled that he could call for changes at the Republican National Committee soon after the South Carolina primary on Feb. 24.
You’d think these cousinfuckers would’ve figured out they can’t trust him by now
Working for Trump is like getting scammed in RuneScape. Obviously *you’re* too smart to get scammed. You know all the tricks. Before you know it you’re naked in Falador park with nothing but a burnt lobster in your inventory, or suing Trump for unpaid legal fees while hair dye drips down your face
Is that citizen trump 🤔 ? 😂🤣 who cares what he says? Oh, that's right, his lackeys in GQP! 🤣
Dear Mr. Trump: The problem is you.
Yup, it can't be him hovering up all the money and giving none away because he has legal bills to pay, and a bunch of candidates he endorsed losing because they were all obvious insane sycophants, it has to be the suck up formerly known as Mitt's daughter to blame
Her thanks for being complicit in Jan 6th
“You knew I was a snake when you found me” At this point, Trump NOT wringing her dry of her usefulness and then discarding her would be the shocker. Join the club, Ronna.
Ha Ha Ha... And she thinks she has a chance to be his running mate.
He "suggested" it? Well, I'm sure he did so very gently, being the embodiment of chivalry that he is...