
News Analysis: In its immunity decision, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority largely embraced Donald Trump’s dark view of tit-for-tat partisan prosecutions while liberals cited the prospect of power unchecked by legal accountability.
In Immunity Decision, Clashing Views of the Nature of The Supreme Court’s conservative majority largely embraced Donald Trump’s dark view of tit-for-tat partisan prosecutions while liberals cited the prospect of power unchecked by legal accountability.
Clashing views CLASHING VIEWS
"The real concern, Chief Justice Roberts said, was not that immunity would embolden presidents to commit crimes with impunity, but rather that without it, the country’s rival leaders would endlessly be at each others’ throats." This ruling achieves the exact opposite of Roberts's stated goal.
There's nothing in this ruling that makes it harder for a sitting POTUS to corruptly prosecute an ex-POTUS. The only charges that are made more difficult are charges relating to the ex-president's acts as president? So what? The ex-POTUS can still be charged for invented post-presidency crimes.
So, if Biden wants to order the DOJ to plant a stash of heroin at MAL and arrest Trump for being a drug dealer, there's nothing in this ruling that prevents that. The main difference is that before this ruling,Biden could have been prosecuted for issuing such an order and now he has total immunity.
So again, in the interest of preventing a corrupt POTUS from weaponizing the DOJ, Roberts has granted totally immunity to any POTUS who weaponizes the DOJ. Roberts is a moron.
Um, those views are entirely the same. Democrats: the GOP will use this to abuse power and attack political opponents GOP: We're going to use this to abuse power and attack political opponents. You are hacks.
"Some people say it's raining while others say the sun is shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky. Who's to say which is correct?"
NYT is reporting on this as news, but they clearly don't think Trump's "dark view of tit-for-tat partisan prosecutions" is a bad thing. They've been major cheerleaders of his approach for the past eight years.
Sorry what? The majority invented a new presidential power in direct contradiction of the clear intent of the Constitution and Founders they claim to revere.
Meanwhile, the Heritage Foundation is calling this the 2nd American Revolution and fascists are rejoicing with where the country is headed. But the sold out NYT is with them. ALL. THE. WAY.
If only there was some easy to know if that's good or bad
Roberts gave Trump unfettered power to crime. Biden isn’t prosecuting Trump the DOJ is. Get a grip.
"The Propect Of Mass Graves Offset By The Need For Civility" - Pamela Paul, probably
Nothing to fear says John Roberts, the man who without a second thought blows off showing up at Congress for the most feather light oversight
What the hell is wrong with you?
Glad the Paper of Record found a “both sides” angle in its analysis.
Once again, and I say this with all due respect, go fuck yourselves
MUH BOTH SIDES fucking bootlickers
Stop trying to make the A24 movie "Civil War" happen.
"people who care about the American government say it's bad, ghouls say otherwise. guess there's no way to know."
The failure of the American media on full display.
“Dark view”. Best you can do huh? Your tabloid rag is lost. Fuck off.
Let me put this in simple terms: Instead of debating whether the decision was a good one and the impact it could have in the wrong hands, it would be more efficient to demonstrate the full effect by utilizing a nothing-to-lose sitting president making use of his newfound immunity
Your majesty reveals the bourgeois republic sustained by hatred.
'Never Trumpeters" Disillusioned by Biden's Debate showing' "- CNN. It is becoming clearer that The Democrats have literally presented no candidate.Their scheme of using & manipulating institutions of the state to bulldoze their way to second term for sleepy Joe is in tatters😄
The #FailingNYT continues to fail! #Politics There is no mid way between evil and good. #Politics
bOtH siDeS, The New York Times? Are you fucking serious with this, The New York Times?
Well, then I guess this Biden’s chance; alert the assassins.
Say it with me: they gave this power to a CONVICTED FELON
If I was at the failing NY Times, I’d be sweating bullets. He’s going to officially shut you down for certain.
Arrest the corrupt SC Judges who have lived a life of corruption accepting $M in bribes. Arrest the MAGA insurrectionists sitting in Congress. Jail their leader Trump before he rapes again or incites a second violent coup. Do it Joe. Then resign. The Court has granted you immunity!