
Breaking News: President Biden insisted he was staying in the race in a forceful speech at a campaign event in Wisconsin, calling Donald Trump a liar and a threat to democracy. “I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three-and-a-half years of work.”
Election Live Updates: In Wisconsin, a Defiant Biden Says ‘I’m Staying in the Race’ The brief speech kicked off a weekend that could be make-or-break for President Biden’s campaign, including a high-stakes ABC News interview that will air in prime time on Friday.
“I’m not going to let one car crash when I fell asleep at the wheel cancel out 50 years of excellent driving”. We need to take away your car keys, Dad.
Exactly. How do they think this works?? You stack up lucidity points that you get to spend later?
aww, shucks, guess he didn't listen to you.
He is going to lose. But, any replacement candidate will also lose. Democrats are just so rotten, so filled with corruption, so full of false narratives (lies) that everyone, except their brainwashed followers, can easily see through, that there really is no way to sell them to people any longer. 🤔
He's going to lose but he's at peace with it so it's fine.
"As long as I gave it my all I'm happy to let fascism win" LIBERALS ARE YOU LISTENING HE SAID IT NOT US
Maybe stop beating a dead horse, then. Biden is going to trounce trump in November.
Cool. Cover Trump's lies Now, please.
We're being lied to by Biden and his family. His mental health is significantly worse than 4 years ago. He is frail and unqualified to run for reelection. We will all pay the price when Biden loses to Trump.
Is the New York Times relevant anymore? Shouldn’t y’all be looking under the bed for a missing email sever?
you repeat what he said but did you actually hear it find out next on new york truth social
Better that the general election wipe out about 240 years of work?
There needs to be a medical intervention. We can cart him off to the Hague afterwards.
So fucking selfish. He is burning through all the admiration I had for him.
"NYT: New evidence shows the Trump campaign was raping everyone in sight, and illegally concealing the settlement payments. For the good of the country, Biden must drop out." You have lost your minds. And your credibility. I never thought I would despise the New York Times...
It'd have more punch if he called him a "filthy liar, and that everything that comes out of the hole beneath his nose is a steady stream of dirty, filthy lies"
I like it. Keep punching back.
Что когда драка была в баре с двумя советскими( и кажется это Ефремов, судя их СМИ всем издевкам. Когда заходит женщина что все драться перестают( и садятся за столики( Заходит Монро. и Джон сел на барный стул, а его два били. что когда входит женщина надо вставать.. а не садится,
ещё о том кто самый худший( снова советские были такие "пословицы что ли"( что лучших Бог к себе забирает первыми. Кеннеди что ли( что мы тогда что совсем? дурные мальчишки. Это надо было знать воспитание Джона Кеннеди. Монро рассказ так поразил меня.
о том что Байден не тот сейчас( это скорее о деде( что кланы вырождаются вот раньше было дело растерзал бы даже союзников от злости. или дед где то проиграл и его в США в заложники взяли
Fooling nobody. They have him jacked up. Apparently the meds sicken him so he decided to forego at debate. If so, more dangerous than being himself. Not real.
Can't Bidden borrow some of The Old Trump's steroids (and uppers)?